Evolution of the annual cycle of Burned Area in Portugal from 1980 to 2018: Implications for fire season management

Título | Title

Evolution of the annual cycle of Burned Area in Portugal from 1980 to 2018: Implications for fire season management

Data | Date


Publicação | Publication

Publicação do short-paper apresentado pelo investigador e meteorologista Pedro Silva no início de novembro na Universidade de Coimbra (IX International Conference on Forest Fire Research). Este trabalho nasceu da colaboração dos meteorologistas Pedro Silva, Ilda Novo e João Rio (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera) e do investigador Miguel Carmo do projeto FIREUSES e foi agora publicado no livro Advances in Forest Fire Research 2022 editado por Domingos Xavier Viegas e Luís Ribeiro.

Publication of a short-paper presented by researcher and meteorologist Pedro Silva in early November at the University of Coimbra (IX International Conference on Forest Fire Research). This work was born from the collaboration of meteorologist Pedro Silva, Ilda Novo and João Rio (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera) and FIREUSES researcher Miguel Carmo and is now published in Advances in Forest Fire Research 2022 edited book by Domingos Xavier Viegas and Luís Ribeiro.