Notas de campo #9: trabalho de campo na Serra de Monchique | Field notes #9: field work in the Monchique mountains | jun 2023
Título | Title
Notas de campo #9: trabalho de campo na Serra de Monchique | Field notes #9: field work in the Monchique mountains | jun 2023
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Notícia | News
Vários investigadores da equipa voltaram durante os meses de junho e julho às serras de Monchique e Silves. Pastores, produtores florestais e agricultores foram entrevistados, ajudando a compreender as alterações na paisagem e na vida serrana ao longo das últimas sete décadas. O fogo foi abordado nas suas várias dimensões, não apenas como catástrofe, mas também enquanto elemento central nas rotinas da agricultura e da pecuária, como, por exemplo, na regeneração dos pastos. O combate aos incêndios e a percepção pelos residentes serranos sobre os incêndios serem “cada vez mais incontroláveis”, surgem, frequentemente, nos relatos dos fogos de 2003 e 2018, mas também nos ocorridos nas décadas de 1960 a 1980. Nesta saída de campo foi ainda possível entrevistar alguns bombeiros já reformados, pesquisar no rico arquivo dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Silves e reunir com o executivo da Câmara Municipal de Monchique.
During the months of June and July, several of the team's researchers returned to the mountains of Monchique and Silves. Shepherds, forestry producers and farmers were interviewed, helping to understand the changes in the landscape and mountain life over the last seven decades. Fire was approached in its various aspects, not only as a catastrophe, but also as a central element in the routines of agriculture and livestock farming, as for example, such as the renewal of pastures. Firefighting and the perception by mountain residents that fires are "increasingly uncontrollable" frequently appear in accounts of the fires of 2003 and 2018, but also those that occurred in the 1960s to 1980s. On this field trip it was also possible to interview some retired firefighters, search through the rich archives of the very old Silves Volunteer Fire Brigade, and meet with the executive of Monchique Town Council.
During the months of June and July, several of the team's researchers returned to the mountains of Monchique and Silves. Shepherds, forestry producers and farmers were interviewed, helping to understand the changes in the landscape and mountain life over the last seven decades. Fire was approached in its various aspects, not only as a catastrophe, but also as a central element in the routines of agriculture and livestock farming, as for example, such as the renewal of pastures. Firefighting and the perception by mountain residents that fires are "increasingly uncontrollable" frequently appear in accounts of the fires of 2003 and 2018, but also those that occurred in the 1960s to 1980s. On this field trip it was also possible to interview some retired firefighters, search through the rich archives of the very old Silves Volunteer Fire Brigade, and meet with the executive of Monchique Town Council.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020