Reunião com o executivo do Município de Monchique | Meeting with the Monchique Municipal Council | jun 2023
Título | Title
Reunião com o executivo do Município de Monchique | Meeting with the Monchique Municipal Council | jun 2023
Data | Date
Notícia | News
No final de junho, dia 28, os investigadores Marta Silva e Miguel Carmo foram recebidos pelos vereadores da Câmara Municipal de Monchique, Helena Martiniano e Humberto Sério, e por Marisa Sampaio, atual responsável pela recuperação do arquivo municipal. Ao longo de três horas de conversa, foi-nos explicado a situação precária da documentação antiga do município e os esforços recentes para a sua recuperação e preservação, nomeadamente as actas das reuniões de câmara das décadas de 1950 a 1980. Fomos presenteados com algumas obras importantes sobre a região, de que é exemplo a Monografia de Monchique de Guerreiro Gascon (1955), que nos permitiu também perceber uma tradição editorial desta câmara municipal de monografias relativas a Monchique. Para mais, anotámos uma rica e extensa lista de pessoas a contatar, que nos poderão ajudar na construção de uma história contemporânea do fogo.
At the end of June, researchers Marta Silva and Miguel Carmo were received by the councillors of Monchique Town Council, Helena Martiniano and Humberto Sério, and by Marisa Sampaio, who is currently responsible for restoring the municipal archive. During a three-hour conversation, they explained the precarious situation of the municipality's old documentation and the recent efforts to recover and preserve it, particularly the minutes of council meetings from the 1950s to the 1980s. We were presented with some important works on the region, such as Guerreiro Gascon's Monografia de Monchique (1955), which also allowed us to realise the town hall’s tradition of publishing monographs about Monchique. Furthermore, we noted down a rich and extensive list of people to contact who could help us build a contemporary local history of fire.
At the end of June, researchers Marta Silva and Miguel Carmo were received by the councillors of Monchique Town Council, Helena Martiniano and Humberto Sério, and by Marisa Sampaio, who is currently responsible for restoring the municipal archive. During a three-hour conversation, they explained the precarious situation of the municipality's old documentation and the recent efforts to recover and preserve it, particularly the minutes of council meetings from the 1950s to the 1980s. We were presented with some important works on the region, such as Guerreiro Gascon's Monografia de Monchique (1955), which also allowed us to realise the town hall’s tradition of publishing monographs about Monchique. Furthermore, we noted down a rich and extensive list of people to contact who could help us build a contemporary local history of fire.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020