Projeto FIREUSES no Jornal de Monchique | FIREUSES project in the Jornal de Monchique | jun 2023
Título | Title
Projeto FIREUSES no Jornal de Monchique | FIREUSES project in the Jornal de Monchique | jun 2023
Data | Date
Notícia | News
Américo Telo é, para além de um elemento importante na formação e desenvolvimento da Cooperativa Agrícola do Concelho de Monchique, conhecida como Coopachique, um colaborador assíduo do Jornal de Monchique, onde publica as “Notícias breves da agricultura e desenvolvimento rural”. Na edição de 30 de junho do jornal (com periodicidade mensal) deu relevo a dois projectos de investigação, financiados pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, que escolheram a região de Monchique para o estudo da problemática dos incêndios rurais: o BRIDGE, coordenado pelo Instituto Superior Técnico e ambicionando desenvolver um diálogo entre a ciência e as comunidades locais para a redução do risco de incêndios rurais, e o nosso projecto FIREUSES.
Américo Telo is not only an important element in the formation and development of the Agricultural Cooperative of the Municipality of Monchique, known as Coopachique, but he is also a regular contributor to the Jornal de Monchique, newspaper, where he publishes “Brief news on agriculture and rural development”. In the 30 June edition, published monthly, he highlighted two research projects, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, which have chosen the Monchique region to study the problem of rural fires: BRIDGE, coordinated in a consortium by the Instituto Superior Técnico, which aims to develop a dialogue between science and local communities to reduce the risk of rural fires, and our FIREUSES project.
Américo Telo is not only an important element in the formation and development of the Agricultural Cooperative of the Municipality of Monchique, known as Coopachique, but he is also a regular contributor to the Jornal de Monchique, newspaper, where he publishes “Brief news on agriculture and rural development”. In the 30 June edition, published monthly, he highlighted two research projects, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, which have chosen the Monchique region to study the problem of rural fires: BRIDGE, coordinated in a consortium by the Instituto Superior Técnico, which aims to develop a dialogue between science and local communities to reduce the risk of rural fires, and our FIREUSES project.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020