Construyendo una Red Ibérica de Historia Oral | Comunicação em seminário | Seminar paper | jun 2023
Título | Title
Construyendo una Red Ibérica de Historia Oral | Comunicação em seminário | Seminar paper | jun 2023
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Notícia | News
Nos dias 19 e 20 de Junho, o FIREUSES esteve representado no VII Seminário Internacional “Construyendo una Red Ibérica de Historia Oral” pela investigadora Marta Silva, que apresentou a experiência de trabalho de uma ano, com mais de 50 entrevistas gravadas. O projeto foi apresentado a um conjunto de investigadores e arquivistas que se encontraram em Bilbau com o propósito de partilhar experiências de pesquisa e promover a construção de uma rede ibérica de história oral, dando a conhecer e conetando projetos, pessoais ou coletivos, que tenham na recolha, análise e preservação de memórias orais um propósito central. Assim, foi possível iniciar um diálogo com outros projetos que trabalham sobre incêndios rurais num âmbito ibérico e em perspetiva histórica. Em comum, partilha-se a preocupação de incluir vozes diversas na elaboração de uma história dos incêndios que nem sempre estão em harmonia com a “história oficial”. O seminário foi promovido pelo grupo de pesquisa “Experiência Moderna” da Universidade do País Basco/EHU, e contou com a participação de investigadores de várias universidades e instituições portuguesas e espanholas.
On 19 and 20 June, FIREUSES was represented at the VII International Seminar “Construyendo una Red Ibérica de Historia Oral” by researcher Marta Silva, who presented a year's work experience with more than 50 recorded interviews. The project was presented to a group of researchers and archivists who met in Bilbao with the aim of sharing research experiences and promoting the construction of an Iberian oral history network, connecting personal or collective projects that have the collection, analysis and preservation of oral memories as their central purpose. It was thus possible to start a dialogue with other projects working on rural fires in an Iberian context and from a historical perspective. We have in common the concern to include diverse voices in the elaboration of a contemporary history of fire that are not always in harmony with “official history”. The seminar was promoted by the “Experiência Moderna” research group at the University of the Basque Country/EHU, and was attended by researchers from several Portuguese and Spanish universities and institutions.
On 19 and 20 June, FIREUSES was represented at the VII International Seminar “Construyendo una Red Ibérica de Historia Oral” by researcher Marta Silva, who presented a year's work experience with more than 50 recorded interviews. The project was presented to a group of researchers and archivists who met in Bilbao with the aim of sharing research experiences and promoting the construction of an Iberian oral history network, connecting personal or collective projects that have the collection, analysis and preservation of oral memories as their central purpose. It was thus possible to start a dialogue with other projects working on rural fires in an Iberian context and from a historical perspective. We have in common the concern to include diverse voices in the elaboration of a contemporary history of fire that are not always in harmony with “official history”. The seminar was promoted by the “Experiência Moderna” research group at the University of the Basque Country/EHU, and was attended by researchers from several Portuguese and Spanish universities and institutions.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020