O fogo na Literatura | Fire in Literature | 21st International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities | jun 2023
Título | Title
O fogo na Literatura | Fire in Literature | 21st International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities | jun 2023
Data | Date
Notícia | News
O famoso romance “Quando os Lobos Uivam”, de Aquilino Ribeiro, foi o mote inicial para um trabalho extenso sobre o fogo na literatura Portuguesa do século XX apresentado na Twenty-first International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, que teve lugar na Universidade de Sorbonne, Paris, nos dias 28-30 de junho. Com base em 55 “pirostórias” (extraídas de 34 obras por 29 escritores diferentes), que são definidas como seções de textos literários (por exemplo, contos, romances e crónicas) que incluem explicitamente incêndios que ocorrem em paisagens rurais, estão em preparação duas publicações, coordenadas pela investigadora Ana Isabel Queiroz e envolvendo parte da equipa do FIREUSES: um dos textos foi aceite para publicação como capítulo de um livro científico internacional na área dos estudos da paisagem; o segundo será brevemente submetido numa revista dedicada à temática da literatura e ambiente.
Aquilino Ribeiro's famous novel “Quando os Lobos Uivam” was the starting point for an extensive paper on the presence of fire in 20th century Portuguese literature presented at the Twenty-first International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, which took place at the Sorbonne University in Paris on 28-30 June. Based on 55 “pyrostories” (extracted from 34 works by 29 different writers), which are defined as sections of literary texts (for example, short stories, novels and chronicles) that explicitly include fires occurring in rural landscapes, two publications coordinated by researcher Ana Isabel Queiroz and involving part of the FIREUSES team are in preparation: one of the texts has been accepted for publication as a chapter in an international scientific book in the field of landscape studies; the second will soon be submitted to a journal dedicated to the theme of literature and the environment.
Aquilino Ribeiro's famous novel “Quando os Lobos Uivam” was the starting point for an extensive paper on the presence of fire in 20th century Portuguese literature presented at the Twenty-first International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, which took place at the Sorbonne University in Paris on 28-30 June. Based on 55 “pyrostories” (extracted from 34 works by 29 different writers), which are defined as sections of literary texts (for example, short stories, novels and chronicles) that explicitly include fires occurring in rural landscapes, two publications coordinated by researcher Ana Isabel Queiroz and involving part of the FIREUSES team are in preparation: one of the texts has been accepted for publication as a chapter in an international scientific book in the field of landscape studies; the second will soon be submitted to a journal dedicated to the theme of literature and the environment.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020