Notas de campo #10: finalizando o trabalho de campo nas Serras de Monchique e Silves | Field notes #10: finalizing the fieldwork in Monchique and Silves mountains | jul 2023
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Notas de campo #10: finalizando o trabalho de campo nas Serras de Monchique e Silves | Field notes #10: finalizing the fieldwork in Monchique and Silves mountains | jul 2023
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Ainda nos meses de junho e julho, a equipa conversou com utentes do Centro de Dia de Alferce sobre os seus percursos de vida e memórias do fogo, fez um circuito pelo vale da Ribeira da Perna da Negra, visitou propriedades e lugares afetados pelos incêndios de 2018 e foi recebida pela equipa do Jornal de Monchique, que colocou o seu arquivo à disposição para consulta. Através do Jornal foi possível aceder a diferentes momentos da vida na Serra desde 1985 que traçam um percurso da sua relação com o fogo. Destacam-se ainda reuniões e conversas com os presidentes das juntas de freguesia de Monchique e de Alferce e suas equipas. Aproximando-nos do fim da recolha empírica na Serra de Monchique, recolhemos histórias sobre a produção de carvão, a produção florestal, a relação entre a floresta e o fogo, estratégias de prevenção e combate de incêndios, continuando, assim, o mapeamento do uso do fogo e das transformações agrárias e socioeconómicas na Serra. A densidade de transcrições e notas recolhidas a partir da memória das pessoas que, generosamente, partilharam connosco os seus conhecimentos e vivências, serão fundamentais para a preparação de textos e comunicações que, em conjunto com informação de arquivos e bases de dados, procurarão encontrar as histórias do fogo a partir da Serra de Monchique.
In June and July, the team talked to users of the Alferce Day Centre based on their life histories and memories of fire, we took a tour in the valley of Ribeira da Perna da Negra, visited land and places affected by the 2018 fire, and we were welcomed by the Jornal de Monchique, who made their archive available for consultation. Through the editions of the newspaper, it was possible to access different moments of life in the Serra since 1985 that trace the presence of fire. Meetings and conversations with the presidents of the Parishes of Monchique and Alferce and their teams are also worth mentioning. Towards the end of the empirical work in Serra de Monchique, we heard about charcoal production, forestry production, the relationship between forests and fire, fire prevention and firefighting, which are a contribute to mapping the use of fire and the agrarian and socio-economic transformations in the Serra. The transcriptions and notes collected with the people who generously shared their knowledge and experiences with us will be fundamental to the preparation of texts and communications that, together with information from archives and databases, seek to find the stories of fire from the Serra de Monchique.
In June and July, the team talked to users of the Alferce Day Centre based on their life histories and memories of fire, we took a tour in the valley of Ribeira da Perna da Negra, visited land and places affected by the 2018 fire, and we were welcomed by the Jornal de Monchique, who made their archive available for consultation. Through the editions of the newspaper, it was possible to access different moments of life in the Serra since 1985 that trace the presence of fire. Meetings and conversations with the presidents of the Parishes of Monchique and Alferce and their teams are also worth mentioning. Towards the end of the empirical work in Serra de Monchique, we heard about charcoal production, forestry production, the relationship between forests and fire, fire prevention and firefighting, which are a contribute to mapping the use of fire and the agrarian and socio-economic transformations in the Serra. The transcriptions and notes collected with the people who generously shared their knowledge and experiences with us will be fundamental to the preparation of texts and communications that, together with information from archives and databases, seek to find the stories of fire from the Serra de Monchique.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020