O fogo na história | Fire in history | 12th European Society for Environmental History Conference | aug 2023
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O fogo na história | Fire in history | 12th European Society for Environmental History Conference | aug 2023
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Notícia | News
O projeto FIREUSES esteve em Berna, Suíça, no final de agosto, na Conferência bianual da Sociedade Europeia de História Ambiental (12ª edição), onde organizou um painel que juntou diferentes perspectivas e diferentes paisagens de fogo. Sob o mote de “From different places and through multiples lenses: Memories, histories and measures of burning landscapes”, e com moderação de Ana Isabel Queiroz, ouvimos Myriam Amri falar do governo do fogo nas montanhas de Kroumirie, que são atravessadas pela fronteira norte da Tunísia e Argélia, como técnica de poder que encontra as suas raízes na ocupação colonial francesa; Mica Jorgenson falar do fogo burocrático, no âmbito de um projeto para uma história ambiental do fogo controlado na Noruega; e, por fim, Miguel Carmo (FIREUSES), explorar uma história das práticas de fogo rurais em Monchique, cujo desaparecimento precedeu - e terá despoletado - o início de outros fogos, indesejados, por vezes catastróficos, e crescentemente incompreendidos.
The FIREUSES project was in Bern, Switzerland, at the end of August for the biannual conference of the European Society for Environmental History (12th edition), organising a panel that brought together different perspectives and different burning landscapes. Under the motto "From different places and through multiples lenses: Memories, histories and measures of burning landscapes", and chaired by Ana Isabel Queiroz, we heard Myriam Amri talk about the governance of fire in the Kroumirie mountains, which are crossed by the northern border of Tunisia and Algeria, as a technique of power that finds its roots in the French colonial occupation; Mica Jorgenson talk about bureaucratic fire, as part of a project for an environmental history of controlled fire in Norway; and, finally, Miguel Carmo (FIREUSES), explore a history of rural fire practices in Monchique, whose disappearance preceded - and may have triggered - the start of other fires, unwanted, sometimes catastrophic, and increasingly misunderstood.
The FIREUSES project was in Bern, Switzerland, at the end of August for the biannual conference of the European Society for Environmental History (12th edition), organising a panel that brought together different perspectives and different burning landscapes. Under the motto "From different places and through multiples lenses: Memories, histories and measures of burning landscapes", and chaired by Ana Isabel Queiroz, we heard Myriam Amri talk about the governance of fire in the Kroumirie mountains, which are crossed by the northern border of Tunisia and Algeria, as a technique of power that finds its roots in the French colonial occupation; Mica Jorgenson talk about bureaucratic fire, as part of a project for an environmental history of controlled fire in Norway; and, finally, Miguel Carmo (FIREUSES), explore a history of rural fire practices in Monchique, whose disappearance preceded - and may have triggered - the start of other fires, unwanted, sometimes catastrophic, and increasingly misunderstood.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020