Fogo bom e fogo mau | Good fire and bad fire | 2023 Rural History Conference | sep 2023
Título | Title
Fogo bom e fogo mau | Good fire and bad fire | 2023 Rural History Conference | sep 2023
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Notícia | News
Entre 11 e 14 de setembro, Inês Gomes e Frederico Ágoas, investigadores do projeto FIREUSES, apresentaram resultados preliminares da sua investigação em Cluj-Napoca (Roménia), na conferência bianual organizada pela European Rural History Organization (EURHO). Numa sessão intitulada ‘Knowledge Networks: The Role of Experts and Technicians in Agricultural Modernization (1900-1980)’, organizada por Jordi Planas (Universidade de Barcelona, Espanha), discutiram as ideias de ‘fogo bom’ e ‘fogo mau’, contrastando o conhecimento e usos tradicionais do fogo por populações rurais e o conhecimento científico e institucional que foi enquadrando aqueles usos como técnica agrícola e florestal de gestão do território. A comunicação apresentada teve como título ‘Good fire and bad fire: the science of fire and the traditional knowledge of scrub burning’.
Between 11 and 14 September, Inês Gomes and Frederico Ágoas from the FIREUSES project presented preliminary results of their research in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), at the biannual conference organised by the European Rural History Organisation (EURHO). In a panel session entitled 'Knowledge Networks: The Role of Experts and Technicians in Agricultural Modernisation (1900-1980)', organised by Jordi Planas (University of Barcelona, Spain), they discussed the ideas of ‘good fire’ and ‘bad fire’, contrasting the traditional knowledge and fires uses by rural populations and the scientific and institutional knowledge that has framed that uses as an agricultural and forestry land management technique. The paper presented was entitled 'Good fire and bad fire: the science of fire and the traditional knowledge of scrub burning'.
Between 11 and 14 September, Inês Gomes and Frederico Ágoas from the FIREUSES project presented preliminary results of their research in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), at the biannual conference organised by the European Rural History Organisation (EURHO). In a panel session entitled 'Knowledge Networks: The Role of Experts and Technicians in Agricultural Modernisation (1900-1980)', organised by Jordi Planas (University of Barcelona, Spain), they discussed the ideas of ‘good fire’ and ‘bad fire’, contrasting the traditional knowledge and fires uses by rural populations and the scientific and institutional knowledge that has framed that uses as an agricultural and forestry land management technique. The paper presented was entitled 'Good fire and bad fire: the science of fire and the traditional knowledge of scrub burning'.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020