Poster e apresentação do projeto no Dia Aberto da Investigação e Inovação da NOVA FCSH | Poster and pitch of FIREUSES at the NOVA FCSH Research and Innovation Open Day | sep 2023
Título | Title
Poster e apresentação do projeto no Dia Aberto da Investigação e Inovação da NOVA FCSH | Poster and pitch of FIREUSES at the NOVA FCSH Research and Innovation Open Day | sep 2023
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Notícia | News
O projeto FIREUSES foi um de dois projetos de investigação selecionados pelo Instituto de História Contemporânea para representar a unidade de investigação no Dia Aberto da Investigação e da Inovação da NOVA FCSH. O evento decorreu no passado dia 21 de Setembro, no Colégio Almada Negreiros, e foi dedicado à temática do Património – material, imaterial, construído e natural. Com o objetivo de dar a conhecer as diversas atividades e os projetos de investigação em curso na Faculdade, as jornadas contaram com várias sessões temáticas e um espaço expositivo de contato com as unidades de investigação. O FIREUSES foi um dos 20 projetos da Faculdade apresentados na sessão Café com Ciência e esteve também representado na exposição de posters que decorreu durante o dia no Atrium da Biblioteca e Sala de Esgrima. O investigador José Ferreira fez a apresentação do projeto naquela sessão.
The FIREUSES project was one of two research projects selected by the Institute of Contemporary History to represent the research unit at the NOVA FCSH Research and Innovation Open Day. The event took place on September 21 at Colégio Almada Negreiros and was dedicated to the theme of Heritage - material, immaterial, built, and natural. With the aim of showcasing the various activities and research projects underway at the Faculty, the event featured several themed sessions and an exhibition space for contact with the research units. The FIREUSES project was one of the 20 Faculty projects presented at the Café com Ciência session and was also represented at the poster exhibition that took place during the day in the Library Atrium and the Fencing Room. Researcher José Ferreira presented the project at that session.
The FIREUSES project was one of two research projects selected by the Institute of Contemporary History to represent the research unit at the NOVA FCSH Research and Innovation Open Day. The event took place on September 21 at Colégio Almada Negreiros and was dedicated to the theme of Heritage - material, immaterial, built, and natural. With the aim of showcasing the various activities and research projects underway at the Faculty, the event featured several themed sessions and an exhibition space for contact with the research units. The FIREUSES project was one of the 20 Faculty projects presented at the Café com Ciência session and was also represented at the poster exhibition that took place during the day in the Library Atrium and the Fencing Room. Researcher José Ferreira presented the project at that session.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020