Fogo no baldio | Fire in the common land | Portuguese Network of Environmental History | oct 2023
Título | Title
Fogo no baldio | Fire in the common land | Portuguese Network of Environmental History | oct 2023
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Notícia | News
Nos dias 19 e 20 de outubro, a equipa do projeto FIREUSES participou no V Encontro da Report(H)a (Rede Portuguesa de História Ambiental), que teve lugar na Universidade do Minho, em Braga. Este ano o tema escolhido foi Energia e desafios socio-ambientais. Marta Silva apresentou a comunicação “Fogo no baldio. Uma caminhada na serra, um percurso de investigação”, preparada em conjunto com Ana Isabel Queiroz, Joana Sousa, Miguel Carmo e João Oliveira. A comunicação proporcionou uma reflexão sobre o percurso metodológico feito na Serra da Nave e como este, com os seus avanços e recuos, tem evidenciado a importância da longa duração na história do fogo e dos usos quotidianos do fogo nos espaços de montanha. Foi ainda apresentado o primeiro esboço de uma cronologia dos incêndios naquele território.
On October 19 and 20, the FIREUSES project team took part in the V Meeting of REPORT(H)A (Portuguese Network of Environmental History), which was held at the University of Minho in Braga. This year's theme was Energy and socio-environmental challenges. Marta Silva presented the paper “Fire in the common land. A walk in the mountains, an investigative journey”, prepared with Ana Isabel Queiroz, Joana Sousa, Miguel Carmo and João Oliveira. The communication provided a reflection on the methodological journey made in Serra da Nave and how it, with its advances and setbacks, has highlighted the importance of the long term in the history of fire and the daily uses of fire in mountain spaces. To this end, the first draft of a chronology of fires in the area was also presented.
On October 19 and 20, the FIREUSES project team took part in the V Meeting of REPORT(H)A (Portuguese Network of Environmental History), which was held at the University of Minho in Braga. This year's theme was Energy and socio-environmental challenges. Marta Silva presented the paper “Fire in the common land. A walk in the mountains, an investigative journey”, prepared with Ana Isabel Queiroz, Joana Sousa, Miguel Carmo and João Oliveira. The communication provided a reflection on the methodological journey made in Serra da Nave and how it, with its advances and setbacks, has highlighted the importance of the long term in the history of fire and the daily uses of fire in mountain spaces. To this end, the first draft of a chronology of fires in the area was also presented.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020