Calamidades e paisagens de fogo discutidas na Córsega | Disasters and fire landscapes discussed in Corsica | oct 2023
Título | Title
Calamidades e paisagens de fogo discutidas na Córsega | Disasters and fire landscapes discussed in Corsica | oct 2023
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Notícia | News
Entre os dias 24 e 26 de outubro, Marta Silva e Inês Gomes representaram o projeto FIREUSES no colóquio “Histoire de feux, feux dans l'histoire: histoire et anthropologie des incendies de végétations de l'époque moderne à nos jours en Méditerranée” que teve lugar em Corte, na ilha francesa da Córsega. O encontro foi organizado pela componente de ciências humanas do projeto GOLIAT, coordenada por Gilles Guerrini. GOLIAT é um consórcio liderado pela Universidade da Córsega que conta com o Office National des Forêts e o Service des Forestiers Sapeurs de la Collectivité de Corse, tendo como objetivo desenvolver ferramentas de luta contra os incêndios e de ordenamento do território. A nossa comunicação, inserida no primeiro dia de colóquio dedicado aos grandes incêndios rurais, teve como título “Calamités et paysages de feu dans la société rurale portugaise, 1950-1980”. Os segundo e terceiro dias centraram-se na questão do fogo controlado, tendo o programa incluído uma visita guiada a uma área onde se têm colocado em prática usos técnicos do fogo situada no Vallée du Verghellu.
Between October 24 and 26, Marta Silva and Inês Gomes represented the FIREUSES project at the colloquium “Histoire de feux, feux dans l'histoire: histoire et anthropologie des incendies de végétations de l'époque moderne à nos jours en Méditerranée”, which took place in Corte, on the French island of Corsica. The conference was organized by the human sciences component of the GOLIAT project, coordinated by Gilles Guerrini. GOLIAT project is led by the University of Corsica and has several partners, such as the Office National des Forêts or the Service des Forestiers Sapeurs de la Collectivité de Corse, and it aims to develop tools for fire fighting and land use planning. Ou communication was part of the first day of the colloquium dedicated to large rural fires and it was entitled “Calamités et paysages de feu dans la société rurale portugaise, 1950-1980”. The second and third days focused on the issue of prescribed burning, and the program included a guided visit to a prescribed burning area located in the Vallée du Verghellu.
Between October 24 and 26, Marta Silva and Inês Gomes represented the FIREUSES project at the colloquium “Histoire de feux, feux dans l'histoire: histoire et anthropologie des incendies de végétations de l'époque moderne à nos jours en Méditerranée”, which took place in Corte, on the French island of Corsica. The conference was organized by the human sciences component of the GOLIAT project, coordinated by Gilles Guerrini. GOLIAT project is led by the University of Corsica and has several partners, such as the Office National des Forêts or the Service des Forestiers Sapeurs de la Collectivité de Corse, and it aims to develop tools for fire fighting and land use planning. Ou communication was part of the first day of the colloquium dedicated to large rural fires and it was entitled “Calamités et paysages de feu dans la société rurale portugaise, 1950-1980”. The second and third days focused on the issue of prescribed burning, and the program included a guided visit to a prescribed burning area located in the Vallée du Verghellu.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020