Incendiários na literatura | Arsonists in literature |Uncertain Landscapes, Guimarães | nov 2023
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Incendiários na literatura | Arsonists in literature |Uncertain Landscapes, Guimarães | nov 2023
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Notícia | News
Ana Isabel Queiroz, Frederico Ágoas, Joana Abranches Portela, Joana Sousa e Miguel Carmo apresentaram “The literary arsonist” na conferência internacional “Uncertain Landscapes”, organizada pelo Lab2PT/IN2PAST, de 22 a 25 de novembro de 2023 em Guimarães. As representações literárias dos incendiários revelaram-se historicamente relevantes para a construção de uma história das transformações sociais e ecológicas ao longo do século XX e até à atualidade. Os incendiários são frequentemente os protagonistas de um objetivo coletivo, subversivo e muitas vezes politicamente empenhado. O fogo, por sua vez, desempenha um papel importante como personagem na produção de uma nova narrativa de uma ruralidade anti-idílica que revela a pobreza, o sacrifício e a subordinação que estavam no cerne da vida rural.
Ana Isabel Queiroz, Frederico Ágoas, Joana Abranches Portela, Joana Sousa e Miguel Carmo presented "The literary arsonist" at the International Congress “Uncertain Landscapes”, organised by Lab2PT/IN2PAST, from 22 to 25 November 2023 in Guimarães. Literary representations of arsonists proved historically relevant to the construction of a history of social and ecological transformations throughout the 20th century and up to the present day. Arsonists are often the protagonists of a collective, subversive and often politically committed objective. Fire, in turn, plays an important role as a character in the production of a new narrative of an anti-idyllic rurality that reveals the poverty, sacrifice and subordination that were at the heart of rural life.
Ana Isabel Queiroz, Frederico Ágoas, Joana Abranches Portela, Joana Sousa e Miguel Carmo presented "The literary arsonist" at the International Congress “Uncertain Landscapes”, organised by Lab2PT/IN2PAST, from 22 to 25 November 2023 in Guimarães. Literary representations of arsonists proved historically relevant to the construction of a history of social and ecological transformations throughout the 20th century and up to the present day. Arsonists are often the protagonists of a collective, subversive and often politically committed objective. Fire, in turn, plays an important role as a character in the production of a new narrative of an anti-idyllic rurality that reveals the poverty, sacrifice and subordination that were at the heart of rural life.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020