Seminário de acompanhamento do projecto FIREUSES | FIREUSES project follow-up seminar | dec 2023
Título | Title
Seminário de acompanhamento do projecto FIREUSES | FIREUSES project follow-up seminar | dec 2023
Data | Date
Notícia | News
Decorreu a 6 de Dezembro no Colégio Almada Negreiros da NOVA FCSH o Seminário de acompanhamento do projecto FIREUSES, destinado a apresentar e a discutir o ponto da situação das várias tarefas e os principais resultados entretanto obtidos. A reunião contou com a presença de todos os membros da equipa de investigação e na sessão da manhã focou-se sucessivamente no mapeamento das mudanças biofísicas e agrárias (Tarefa 1, apresentada por Miguel Carmo), na história da políticas e da ciências do fogo (Tarefa 2, apresentada por Frederico Ágoas) e no levantamento das dinâmicas dos usos do fogo, nas suas vertentes documental (Tarefa 3) e de história oral (Tarefa 4), discutidas de forma integrada para cada um dos dois estudos de caso (Lapa-Leomil, apresentado por Marta Silva, e Monchique, apresentado por Joana Sousa). Na sessão da tarde, foram apresentadas iniciativas previstas para a apresentação conjunta dos resultados dos dois estudos de caso e para a sua disseminação junto das comunidades locais envolvidas (por Inês Gomes e Ana Isabel Queiroz, respectivamente, no âmbito da tarefa 5).
The FIREUSES Project Follow-up Seminar took place on December 6 at NOVA FCSH’s Almada Negreiros College, to present and discuss the status of the various tasks and the main results obtained in the meantime. The meeting was attended by all the members of the research team and the morning session focused successively on mapping biophysical and agrarian changes (Task 1, presented by Miguel Carmo), the history of fire policies and sciences (Task 2, presented by Frederico Ágoas) and surveying the dynamics of fire use, in its documental (Task 3) and oral history (Task 4) aspects, discussed in an integrated manner for each of the two case studies (Lapa-Leomil, presented by Marta Silva, and Monchique, presented by Joana Sousa). In the afternoon session, planned initiatives for the joint presentation of the results of the two case studies and their dissemination among the local communities involved were presented (by Inês Gomes and Ana Isabel Queiroz, respectively, in the context of Task 5).
The FIREUSES Project Follow-up Seminar took place on December 6 at NOVA FCSH’s Almada Negreiros College, to present and discuss the status of the various tasks and the main results obtained in the meantime. The meeting was attended by all the members of the research team and the morning session focused successively on mapping biophysical and agrarian changes (Task 1, presented by Miguel Carmo), the history of fire policies and sciences (Task 2, presented by Frederico Ágoas) and surveying the dynamics of fire use, in its documental (Task 3) and oral history (Task 4) aspects, discussed in an integrated manner for each of the two case studies (Lapa-Leomil, presented by Marta Silva, and Monchique, presented by Joana Sousa). In the afternoon session, planned initiatives for the joint presentation of the results of the two case studies and their dissemination among the local communities involved were presented (by Inês Gomes and Ana Isabel Queiroz, respectively, in the context of Task 5).

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020