Inês Costa é Mestre! | Inês Costa obtains her Master’s degree! | dec 2023
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Inês Costa é Mestre! | Inês Costa obtains her Master’s degree! | dec 2023
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Damos os parabéns à Inês Costa que, no passado dia 11 de dezembro, defendeu com sucesso a sua tese de mestrado em Gestão do Território (NOVA FCSH), intitulada “O uso do solo e os regimes de fogo entre 1975 e 2019, à escala da freguesia: Peravelha, Aldeia de Nacomba e Ariz (Moimenta da Beira) e Alferce (Monchique)”. Esta investigação foi desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto FIREUSES. Foram trabalhadas fontes cartográficas, utilizando um sistema de informação geográfica. Este trabalho foi orientado por Ana Isabel Queiroz e Rui Pedro Julião, professores do Departamento de Geografia e Planeamento Regional. Joana Sousa arguiu as provas públicas.
Congratulations to Inês Costa who, on 11 December, successfully defended her master’s thesis in Territory Management (NOVA FCSH), entitled “Land use and fire regimes between 1975 and 2019, at the parish scale: Peravelha, Aldeia de Nacomba and Ariz (Moimenta da Beira) and Alferce (Monchique)”. This research was carried out as part of the FIREUSES project. Cartographic sources were worked on using a geographic information system. This work was supervised by Ana Isabel Queiroz and Rui Pedro Julião, professors in the Department of Geography and Regional Planning. Joana Sousa took the public exams.
Congratulations to Inês Costa who, on 11 December, successfully defended her master’s thesis in Territory Management (NOVA FCSH), entitled “Land use and fire regimes between 1975 and 2019, at the parish scale: Peravelha, Aldeia de Nacomba and Ariz (Moimenta da Beira) and Alferce (Monchique)”. This research was carried out as part of the FIREUSES project. Cartographic sources were worked on using a geographic information system. This work was supervised by Ana Isabel Queiroz and Rui Pedro Julião, professors in the Department of Geography and Regional Planning. Joana Sousa took the public exams.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020