As ciências e as políticas do fogo em Portugal | The sciences and policies of fire in Portugal | 7º ENHCT, Évora | nov 2023
Título | Title
As ciências e as políticas do fogo em Portugal | The sciences and policies of fire in Portugal | 7º ENHCT, Évora | nov 2023
Data | Date
Notícia | News
No passado mês de novembro decorreu em Évora a 7ª edição do Encontro Nacional de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia (ENHCT), desta vez organizado pelo Instituto de História Contemporânea – FCSH Universidade NOVA de Lisboa e Universidade de Évora, no qual a equipa do projeto FIREUSES teve a seu cargo o painel “As ciências e as políticas do fogo em Portugal” organizado por Inês Gomes, Frederico Ágoas, José Miguel Ferreira e Miguel Carmo. Com moderação do último, o Frederico e a Inês apresentaram a comunicação “Controlar o fogo pelo fogo? A emergência de um campo académico-burocrático em torno dos incêndios rurais” e José Miguel “Um país a arder. A emergência dos incêndios florestais como problema nacional no fim do Estado Novo”. Estava igualmente prevista uma comunicação pelo historiador Tiago Saraiva (Drexel University), que não veio a ocorrer por impossibilidade de agenda, intitulada “Fogos e Eucaliptos na Larga Duração: Serra da Ossa, Casa de Bragança e Portucel”. No início do painel houve oportunidade para uma breve apresentação das linhas de investigação em curso no projeto FIREUSES e, no final, para um debate animado em torno dos resultados apresentados, bem como para ouvir algumas sugestões de pesquisa importantes.
Last November, the 7th edition of the National Meeting on the History of Science and Technology (ENHCT) took place in Évora, this time organised by the Institute of Contemporary History - FCSH Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and the University of Évora, where the FIREUSES team was responsible for the panel “The sciences and policies of fire in Portugal” organised by Inês Gomes, Frederico Ágoas, José Miguel Ferreira and Miguel Carmo. Moderated by the latter, Frederico and Inês presented the paper “Controlling fire by fire? The emergence of an academic-bureaucratic field around rural fires” and José Miguel “A country on fire. The emergence of forest fires as a national problem at the end of the Estado Novo”. A presentation was also planned by historian Tiago Saraiva (Drexel University), which unfortunately did not take place due to schedule constraints, entitled “Fires and Eucalyptus in the Long Run: Serra da Ossa, Casa de Bragança and Portucel”. At the beginning of the panel there was the opportunity for a brief presentation of the lines of research underway in the FIREUSES project and, at the end, for a lively debate around the results presented, as well as to hear some important research suggestions.
Last November, the 7th edition of the National Meeting on the History of Science and Technology (ENHCT) took place in Évora, this time organised by the Institute of Contemporary History - FCSH Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and the University of Évora, where the FIREUSES team was responsible for the panel “The sciences and policies of fire in Portugal” organised by Inês Gomes, Frederico Ágoas, José Miguel Ferreira and Miguel Carmo. Moderated by the latter, Frederico and Inês presented the paper “Controlling fire by fire? The emergence of an academic-bureaucratic field around rural fires” and José Miguel “A country on fire. The emergence of forest fires as a national problem at the end of the Estado Novo”. A presentation was also planned by historian Tiago Saraiva (Drexel University), which unfortunately did not take place due to schedule constraints, entitled “Fires and Eucalyptus in the Long Run: Serra da Ossa, Casa de Bragança and Portucel”. At the beginning of the panel there was the opportunity for a brief presentation of the lines of research underway in the FIREUSES project and, at the end, for a lively debate around the results presented, as well as to hear some important research suggestions.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020