Fontes sem fogo? A pesquisa na Câmara Municipal de Sernancelhe | Sources without fire? The research in the Sernancelhe Municipal Council | jan 2024
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Fontes sem fogo? A pesquisa na Câmara Municipal de Sernancelhe | Sources without fire? The research in the Sernancelhe Municipal Council | jan 2024
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Notícia | News
Entre os arquivos locais pelos quais passou a equipa FIREUSES, o último foi o da Câmara Municipal de Sernancelhe, que nos mostra como o silêncio das fontes também faz História. O acervo documental preservado por essa autarquia está ainda a ser tratado e catalogado. Consultámos ali atas municipais, livros de registo de correspondência e correspondência da câmara com várias entidades (recebida e expedida), desde o final dos anos 1940. O fogo aparece extinto nestas fontes locais, mas quando um fogacho surge em posturas que pretendem prevenir os temidos incêndios em casas, palhais e eiras, a investigação inflama-se. Tais aparições parcimoniosas do fogo sugerem que os incêndios mais devastadores no passado lavravam em contextos e tinham características e dimensões distintas das atuais. Ainda assim, e apesar de ser um assunto por vezes tratado confidencialmente pelas autoridades, nem os incêndios eram inexistentes, nem tão pouco a sua menor dimensão impedia que fossem percecionados como trágicos.
Among the local archives that the FIREUSES team passed through, the last was that of Sernancelhe Municipality, which shows us how the silence of sources also makes history. The documentary collection preserved by this municipality is still being processed and cataloged. There, we consulted municipal minutes, correspondence register books and the council's correspondence (received and sent) with various entities, dating back to the late 1940s. The fire seems to be extinguished in these local sources, but when a blaze appears in small ordinances intended to prevent the dreaded fires in houses, barns and threshing floors, the investigation ignites. Such sparing appearances of fire suggest that the most devastating of them in the past burned in different contexts and had different characteristics and dimensions to those of today. Even so, and despite the fact that this is a subject that is sometimes treated confidentially by the authorities, neither were the fires non-existent, nor did their smaller size prevent them from being perceived as tragic.
Among the local archives that the FIREUSES team passed through, the last was that of Sernancelhe Municipality, which shows us how the silence of sources also makes history. The documentary collection preserved by this municipality is still being processed and cataloged. There, we consulted municipal minutes, correspondence register books and the council's correspondence (received and sent) with various entities, dating back to the late 1940s. The fire seems to be extinguished in these local sources, but when a blaze appears in small ordinances intended to prevent the dreaded fires in houses, barns and threshing floors, the investigation ignites. Such sparing appearances of fire suggest that the most devastating of them in the past burned in different contexts and had different characteristics and dimensions to those of today. Even so, and despite the fact that this is a subject that is sometimes treated confidentially by the authorities, neither were the fires non-existent, nor did their smaller size prevent them from being perceived as tragic.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020