Joana Jerónimo é Mestre! | Joana Jerónimo obtains her Master’s degree! | jun 2024
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Joana Jerónimo é Mestre! | Joana Jerónimo obtains her Master’s degree! | jun 2024
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Notícia | News
Damos os parabéns à Joana Jerónimo que, no passado dia 5 de junho, defendeu com sucesso a sua tese de mestrado em Gestão do Território (NOVA FCSH), intitulada “Perceção da Comunidade Escolar sobre Prevenção, Risco e Combate dos Incêndios Rurais (Moimenta da Beira, 2022/2023)”, obtendo a classificação de 18 valores. Esta investigação foi desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto FIREUSES. Alunos e professores da escola secundária Dr. Joaquim Dias Rebelo estiveram envolvidos num conjunto de entrevistas individuais e de grupos focais em que se conversou sobre incêndios. Este trabalho foi orientado por Ana Isabel Queiroz, professora do Departamento de Geografia e Planeamento Regional da NOVA FCSH. Joana Sousa, também membro da equipa FIREUSES, arguiu as provas públicas, presididas pelo Professor Doutor Jorge Ferreira.
Congratulations to Joana Jerónimo who, on 5 June, successfully defended her master’s thesis in Territory Management (NOVA FCSH), entitled “The School Community's Perception of Rural Fire Prevention, Risk and Fighting (Moimenta da Beira, 2022/2023)”, obtaining a mark of 18 (out of 20). This research was carried out as part of the FIREUSES project. Students and teachers from Dr Joaquim Dias Rebelo Secondary School (Moimenta da Beira) were involved in a series of individual interviews and focus groups to talk about fires. This work was supervised by Ana Isabel Queiroz, Professor at the Department of Geography and Regional Planning at NOVA FCSH. Joana Sousa, also a member of the FIREUSES team, conducted the public examination, chaired by Professor Jorge Ferreira.
Congratulations to Joana Jerónimo who, on 5 June, successfully defended her master’s thesis in Territory Management (NOVA FCSH), entitled “The School Community's Perception of Rural Fire Prevention, Risk and Fighting (Moimenta da Beira, 2022/2023)”, obtaining a mark of 18 (out of 20). This research was carried out as part of the FIREUSES project. Students and teachers from Dr Joaquim Dias Rebelo Secondary School (Moimenta da Beira) were involved in a series of individual interviews and focus groups to talk about fires. This work was supervised by Ana Isabel Queiroz, Professor at the Department of Geography and Regional Planning at NOVA FCSH. Joana Sousa, also a member of the FIREUSES team, conducted the public examination, chaired by Professor Jorge Ferreira.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020