Notas de campo #4: Histórias em Coopachique | Field notes #4 Histories from Coopachique | jun 2022
Título | Title
Notas de campo #4: Histórias em Coopachique | Field notes #4 Histories from Coopachique | jun 2022
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Notícia | News
O primeiro período de trabalho de campo na Serra de Monchique incluiu uma visita à Cooperativa Agrícola do Concelho de Monchique, sítio que se tornou particularmente relevante para acompanhar a história agrícola e florestal da serra. Tendo sido muito bem recebidos, a visita ao arquivo documental da instituição acabou por se tornar num passeio guiado por ruelas, miradouros e pontos de venda de medronho. Conversas com gentes da cooperativa, acompanhadas pela gastronomia da serra, são momentos que permitiram aprofundar o que fomos encontrando na nossa recolha documental, incluindo o rico acervo da Coopachique. Na sede da cooperativa, a coleção de objetos queimados pelo fogo, recolhidos após os incêndios, adicionou uma dimensão material e sensorial à pesquisa - importante para quem pretende aproximar-se dos múltiplos significados do fogo.
The first part of the fieldwork in Serra de Monchique included a visit to Cooperativa Agrícola do Concelho de Monchique, a place that became particularly relevant to follow the history of agriculture and forestry in these highlands. Having been very well received, a visit to the archive of the cooperative was turned into guided walks through the narrow streets of the town, to viewpoints and local stores selling medronho. Talks with people from the cooperative, garnished with regional gastronomy, dragged us deeper into the information derived from the documental searches, including the one carried out in the rich archive of Coopachique. In the offices of the cooperative, the collection of burnt objects recovered after wildfires, added material and sensorial dimensions to the research, which is crucial to get us closer to the multiple meanings of fire.
The first part of the fieldwork in Serra de Monchique included a visit to Cooperativa Agrícola do Concelho de Monchique, a place that became particularly relevant to follow the history of agriculture and forestry in these highlands. Having been very well received, a visit to the archive of the cooperative was turned into guided walks through the narrow streets of the town, to viewpoints and local stores selling medronho. Talks with people from the cooperative, garnished with regional gastronomy, dragged us deeper into the information derived from the documental searches, including the one carried out in the rich archive of Coopachique. In the offices of the cooperative, the collection of burnt objects recovered after wildfires, added material and sensorial dimensions to the research, which is crucial to get us closer to the multiple meanings of fire.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020