Fire Stories | Usos do fogo no sudeste da Guiné-Bissau | Networks of fire in southeast Guinea-Bissau | sep 2022
Título | Title
Fire Stories | Usos do fogo no sudeste da Guiné-Bissau | Networks of fire in southeast Guinea-Bissau | sep 2022
Data | Date
Notícia | News
Fire Stories é uma coleção de 12 peças editadas por Mica Jorgensen e escritas por historiadores ambientais e outras humanidades ambientais afins sobre a descoberta do fogo nos arquivos e no terreno. Respondendo a uma call aberta em Julho, Gonçalo Salvaterra e Joana Sousa (equipa Fireuses) propõem uma reflexão em torno de narrativas e conhecimento sobre práticas de fogo em pomares de caju no sudeste da Guiné-Bissau, desenhada a partir de trabalho de campo etnográfico realizado em 2010-2011 e 2019-2022.
Fire Stories is a collection of 12 pieces edited by Mica Jorgensen and written by environmental historians and other neighboring environmental humanities about “encountering fire in the archives and on the land”. Responding to an call in July, Gonçalo Salvaterra and Joana Sousa (part of Fireuses) proposed a reflection on narratives about fire practices in cashew orchards in southeastern Guinea-Bissau, drawn from ethnographic fieldwork conducted in 2010-2011 and 2019-2022.
Fire Stories is a collection of 12 pieces edited by Mica Jorgensen and written by environmental historians and other neighboring environmental humanities about “encountering fire in the archives and on the land”. Responding to an call in July, Gonçalo Salvaterra and Joana Sousa (part of Fireuses) proposed a reflection on narratives about fire practices in cashew orchards in southeastern Guinea-Bissau, drawn from ethnographic fieldwork conducted in 2010-2011 and 2019-2022.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020