Paisagens de Poder em Quando os Lobos Uivam | Landscapes of Power in Aquilino Ribeiro’s When the Wolves Howl | set 2022
Título | Title
Paisagens de Poder em Quando os Lobos Uivam | Landscapes of Power in Aquilino Ribeiro’s When the Wolves Howl | set 2022
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Notícia | News
Fire Stories é uma coleção de 12 peças editadas por Mica Jorgensen e escritas por historiadores ambientais e outras humanidades ambientais afins sobre a descoberta do fogo nos arquivos e no terreno. Ana Isabel Queiroz, autora de uma das peças selecionadas, propõe uma releitura do romance de Aquilino Ribeiro, editado e imediatamente proibido em 1958, centrada nos usos políticos do fogo e da própria paisagem no conflito que opôs a florestação de terras comuns e os serviços florestais às populações serranas.
Fire Stories is a collection of 12 pieces edited by Mica Jorgensen and written by environmental historians and other neighboring environmental humanities about “encountering fire in the archives and on the land”. Ana Isabel Queiroz is the author of one of the pieces selected and proposes a re-reading of Aquilino Ribeiro's novel, published and immediately banned in 1958, focusing on the political uses of fire and of the landscape itself in the conflict that opposed the forestation of common lands and the forest services to the mountain people.
Fire Stories is a collection of 12 pieces edited by Mica Jorgensen and written by environmental historians and other neighboring environmental humanities about “encountering fire in the archives and on the land”. Ana Isabel Queiroz is the author of one of the pieces selected and proposes a re-reading of Aquilino Ribeiro's novel, published and immediately banned in 1958, focusing on the political uses of fire and of the landscape itself in the conflict that opposed the forestation of common lands and the forest services to the mountain people.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020