Usos do fogo em Monchique (unidade curricular) | Uses of fire in Monchique (course unit) | set 2022
Título | Title
Usos do fogo em Monchique (unidade curricular) | Uses of fire in Monchique (course unit) | set 2022
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Notícia | News
A NOVA FCSH abriu, no início do ano letivo, uma nova unidade curricular de opção livre para estudantes de licenciatura que prevê o desenvolvimento de atividades de investigação enquadradas no projeto Paisagens de Fogo. Com uma única vaga, o lugar foi ocupado por João Oliveira, estudante no 3º ano da licenciatura em História, que faz agora parte da equipa e dos quotidianos do projecto. "Usos do fogo na serra de Monchique a partir da imprensa regional (1950-1990)" tem por objetivo analisar a ocorrência de incêndios e outras práticas de fogo na região da serra de Monchique a partir da imprensa local no período entre 1950 e 1990. Vamos usar o acervo digital da Hemeroteca Digital do Algarve, contando com a orientação preciosa da sua coordenadora científica, Patrícia de Jesus Palma (investigadora no CHAM NOVA, doutorada em Estudos Portugueses - História do Livro e Crítica Textual). O desenvolvimento da pesquisa tem a supervisão de Miguel Carmo e Ana Isabel Queiroz e poderá ser acompanhado no separador Imprensa regional.
NOVA FCSH opened at the beginning of the academic year a new curricular unit of free option for undergraduate students that foresees the realization of research activities within the project Burning Landscapes. With only one spot open, the position was taken by João Oliveira, a 3rd year undergraduate student of History, that was integrated in the team and daily life of the project. "Uses of fire in the Serra de Monchique from the local press (1950-1990)" aims to analyze the occurrence of wildfires and other fire practices in the region of the Serra de Monchique from the local press in the period between 1950 and 1990. We will use the digital collection of the Hemeroteca Digital do Algarve, counting on the precious guidance of its scientific coordinator, Patrícia de Jesus Palma (researcher at CHAM NOVA, PhD in Portuguese Studies - Book History and Textual Criticism). The research is supervised by Miguel Carmo and Ana Isabel Queiroz and can be followed in the Regional press tab.
NOVA FCSH opened at the beginning of the academic year a new curricular unit of free option for undergraduate students that foresees the realization of research activities within the project Burning Landscapes. With only one spot open, the position was taken by João Oliveira, a 3rd year undergraduate student of History, that was integrated in the team and daily life of the project. "Uses of fire in the Serra de Monchique from the local press (1950-1990)" aims to analyze the occurrence of wildfires and other fire practices in the region of the Serra de Monchique from the local press in the period between 1950 and 1990. We will use the digital collection of the Hemeroteca Digital do Algarve, counting on the precious guidance of its scientific coordinator, Patrícia de Jesus Palma (researcher at CHAM NOVA, PhD in Portuguese Studies - Book History and Textual Criticism). The research is supervised by Miguel Carmo and Ana Isabel Queiroz and can be followed in the Regional press tab.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020