8th International Wildland Fire Conference | Joana Sousa integra a Comissão Científica | Joana Sousa is on the Scientific Committee | sep 2022
Título | Title
8th International Wildland Fire Conference | Joana Sousa integra a Comissão Científica | Joana Sousa is on the Scientific Committee | sep 2022
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Notícia | News
A Joana tem trabalhado no encontro interdisciplinar entre a ecologia e antropologia em variados contextos socioambientais (Equador, Mauritânia, Portugal, Quénia e Guiné-Bissau) e, recentemente, começou a trabalhar sobre incêndios rurais e usos do fogo agrícolas, interessada nas formas de produção e partilha de conhecimento sobre o fogo. É investigadora no Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, faz parte da equipa FIREUSES desde o início e foi recentemente convidada a integrar a Comissão Científica da 8th International Wildland Fire Conference, que é organizada pela AGIF e terá lugar no próximo mês de maio (16-19) no Porto.
Joana has been working on the interdisciplinary encounter between ecology and anthropology in various socio-environmental contexts (Ecuador, Mauritania, Portugal, Kenya and Guinea-Bissau) and has recently started working on rural fires and agricultural fire uses, interested in ways of producing and sharing knowledge about fire. She is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, has been part of the FIREUSES team since the beginning and was recently invited to join the Scientific Committee of the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference, which is organized by AGIF and will take place next May (16-19) in Porto.
Joana has been working on the interdisciplinary encounter between ecology and anthropology in various socio-environmental contexts (Ecuador, Mauritania, Portugal, Kenya and Guinea-Bissau) and has recently started working on rural fires and agricultural fire uses, interested in ways of producing and sharing knowledge about fire. She is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, has been part of the FIREUSES team since the beginning and was recently invited to join the Scientific Committee of the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference, which is organized by AGIF and will take place next May (16-19) in Porto.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020