Colaboração com a Terratreme Filmes | Collaboration with Terratreme film production house | oct 2022
Título | Title
Colaboração com a Terratreme Filmes | Collaboration with Terratreme film production house | oct 2022
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Notícia | News
Começou a preparação de uma série de entrevistas com técnicos especialistas e académicos com longa experiência de observação do território em Portugal. O objetivo é captar perspetivas históricas, pessoais mas também disciplinares, sobre as paisagens do fogo enquanto objeto de conhecimento tecnocientífico. A realizadora e montadora Luísa Homem, conhecida pelos filmes Suzanne Daveau, As Cidades e as Trocas, e São Tomé: No Trilho dos Naturalistas, irá ajudar-nos nesta empresa.
The preparation of a series of in-depth interviews with technical experts and scholars with long-lasting experience in observing the territory in Portugal has begun. The goal is to capture personal and disciplinary historical perspectives on burning landscapes as an object of techno-scientific knowledge. Director and editor Luisa Homem, known for the films Suzanne Daveau, Trading Cities, and São Tomé: Tracking the Naturalists, will help us in this enterprise.
The preparation of a series of in-depth interviews with technical experts and scholars with long-lasting experience in observing the territory in Portugal has begun. The goal is to capture personal and disciplinary historical perspectives on burning landscapes as an object of techno-scientific knowledge. Director and editor Luisa Homem, known for the films Suzanne Daveau, Trading Cities, and São Tomé: Tracking the Naturalists, will help us in this enterprise.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020