Duas mestrandas em Gestão do Território | Two MA students in Land Management | nov 2022
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Duas mestrandas em Gestão do Território | Two MA students in Land Management | nov 2022
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Notícia | News
Inês Costa e Joana Jerónimo iniciaram as suas teses de mestrado no âmbito do projeto Paisagens do fogo. São orientadas por Ana Isabel Queiroz, investigadora no projeto e professora do Departamento de Geografia e Planeamento Regional (DGPR), NOVA FCSH. Os temas de investigação são, respetivamente: “Uso do solo e regimes de fogo em Lapa-Leomil e Monchique entre 1950 e 2020” (co-orientação do Prof. Doutor Rui Pedro Julião/DGPR) e “Percepção da comunidade escolar sobre prevenção, risco e combate dos incêndios rurais” em Moimenta da Beira (co-orientação do Prof. Doutor Pedro Cortesão Casimiro/DGPR).
Inês Costa and Joana Jerónimo have started their Master thesis in the scope of the Burning landscapes project. They are supervised by Ana Isabel Queiroz, project researcher and professor at the Department of Geography and Regional Planning (DGPR), NOVA FCSH. Their research topics are, respectively: “Land use and fire regimes in Lapa-Leomil and Monchique between 1950 and 2020” (co-supervision of Rui Pedro Julião/DGPR) and “School community perception of rural fire prevention, risk and firefighting” in Moimenta da Beira (co-supervision of Pedro Cortesão Casimiro/DGPR).
Inês Costa and Joana Jerónimo have started their Master thesis in the scope of the Burning landscapes project. They are supervised by Ana Isabel Queiroz, project researcher and professor at the Department of Geography and Regional Planning (DGPR), NOVA FCSH. Their research topics are, respectively: “Land use and fire regimes in Lapa-Leomil and Monchique between 1950 and 2020” (co-supervision of Rui Pedro Julião/DGPR) and “School community perception of rural fire prevention, risk and firefighting” in Moimenta da Beira (co-supervision of Pedro Cortesão Casimiro/DGPR).

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020