A época de fogo em Portugal está mais longa | The fire season in Portugal is getting longer | nov 2022
Título | Title
A época de fogo em Portugal está mais longa | The fire season in Portugal is getting longer | nov 2022
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Notícia | News
O início da época de incêndios rurais recuou paulatinamente desde 1980 num intervalo estatístico de 27-50 dias. Do amplo quadro socioecológico que intervém na sazonalidade do fogo em Portugal foram identificadas mudanças significativas no clima de primavera, que oferece agora melhores condições para a propagação do fogo. Estes resultados nasceram da colaboração dos colegas meteorologistas Pedro Silva, Ilda Novo e João Rio (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera) e do investigador Miguel Carmo do projeto FIREUSES, tendo sido publicados no livro Advances in Forest Fire Research 2022 (edição de Domingos Xavier Viegas e Luís Ribeiro) disponível na ligação abaixo. No início de novembro foram apresentados na IX International Conference on Forest Fire Research realizada na Universidade de Coimbra.
The onset of the rural fire season has gradually shifted back since 1980 within a statistical range of 27-50 days. From the broad socioecological framework that intervenes in fire seasonality in Portugal, significant changes have been identified in the spring climate, which now offers better conditions for fire spread. These results were born from the collaboration of meteorologist colleagues Pedro Silva, Ilda Novo and João Rio (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera) and FIREUSES project researcher Miguel Carmo, and were published in Advances in Forest Fire Research 2022 (edited book by Domingos Xavier Viegas and Luís Ribeiro) available at the link below. In early November they were discussed at the IX International Conference on Forest Fire Research held at the University of Coimbra.
The onset of the rural fire season has gradually shifted back since 1980 within a statistical range of 27-50 days. From the broad socioecological framework that intervenes in fire seasonality in Portugal, significant changes have been identified in the spring climate, which now offers better conditions for fire spread. These results were born from the collaboration of meteorologist colleagues Pedro Silva, Ilda Novo and João Rio (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera) and FIREUSES project researcher Miguel Carmo, and were published in Advances in Forest Fire Research 2022 (edited book by Domingos Xavier Viegas and Luís Ribeiro) available at the link below. In early November they were discussed at the IX International Conference on Forest Fire Research held at the University of Coimbra.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020