Marta Silva ganha o Prémio Victor de Sá de História Contemporânea | Marta Silva receives the Victor de Sá Contemporary History Prize | nov 2022
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Marta Silva ganha o Prémio Victor de Sá de História Contemporânea | Marta Silva receives the Victor de Sá Contemporary History Prize | nov 2022
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Marta Nunes Silva, investigadora no projeto Paisagens do Fogo, recebeu o Prémio Victor de Sá de História Contemporânea 2022 atribuído pela Universidade do Minho, o galardão nacional mais prestigiado para jovens investigadores na área da história. Foi distinguida pela sua tese de doutoramento “O auxílio à emigração irregular para França e a figura do intermediário no interior rural português (1957-1974)”, defendida na NOVA FCSH no passado mês de Julho. O seu trabalho focou-se no papel de agentes mediadores no interior das relações de força e as dinâmicas sociais locais na sua relação com o poder central e os seus representantes “periféricos”.
Marta Nunes Silva, researcher in the project Burning Landscapes, received the Victor de Sá Contemporary History Prize 2022, the most prestigious national award for young researchers in the area of history, awarded by the University of Minho. She was distinguished for her PhD thesis “The human smuggling to France and the intermediary figure in the Portuguese rural communities (1957-1974)”, defended at NOVA FCSH last July. Her work focused on the role of mediating agents within power relations and local social dynamics in their relationship with the central power and its “peripheral” representatives.
Marta Nunes Silva, researcher in the project Burning Landscapes, received the Victor de Sá Contemporary History Prize 2022, the most prestigious national award for young researchers in the area of history, awarded by the University of Minho. She was distinguished for her PhD thesis “The human smuggling to France and the intermediary figure in the Portuguese rural communities (1957-1974)”, defended at NOVA FCSH last July. Her work focused on the role of mediating agents within power relations and local social dynamics in their relationship with the central power and its “peripheral” representatives.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020