The climatology of extreme wildfires in Portugal, 1980–2018: Contributions to forecasting and preparedness
Título | Title
The climatology of extreme wildfires in Portugal, 1980–2018: Contributions to forecasting and preparedness
Data | Date
Publicação | Publication
Artigo publicado na International Journal of Climatology sobre situações de fogo extremo em Portugal (período 1980-2018) do ponto de vista da dinâmica atmosférica. O estudo foi realizado no IPMA com coordenação de Domingos Xavier Viegas e Ilda Novo (no âmbito do projeto FIRESTORM financiado pela FCT) e tem como primeiro autor um investigador integrado na equipa das Paisagens de Fogo.
Study on extreme fire in Portugal (period 1980-2018) from a meteorological perspective which was published in the International Journal of Climatology. The research was conducted at IPMA and coordinated by Domingos Xavier Viegas and Ilda Novo (under the project FIRESTORM funded by FCT) and has as first author a researcher integrated in the Burning landscapes team.
Study on extreme fire in Portugal (period 1980-2018) from a meteorological perspective which was published in the International Journal of Climatology. The research was conducted at IPMA and coordinated by Domingos Xavier Viegas and Ilda Novo (under the project FIRESTORM funded by FCT) and has as first author a researcher integrated in the Burning landscapes team.