Um ano do projeto FIREUSES| One year of the FIREUSES project | jan 2023
Título | Title
Um ano do projeto FIREUSES| One year of the FIREUSES project | jan 2023
Data | Date
Notícia | News
No dia 31 de janeiro foi inaugurada a página do projecto, produzida conjuntamente pela equipa de investigadores, pelo Laboratório de Humanidades Digitais da NOVA FCSH, com especial ajuda da investigadora Joana Paulino, e ainda com o incrível apoio técnico e gráfico de João Veríssimo e Sara Silva Santos. Nesta plataforma queremos fazer um retrato das principais iniciativas e publicações do projeto, bem como disponibilizar algumas séries obtidas no trabalho de arquivo e recolha oral, o melhor que conseguirmos. Este momento serviu igualmente para uma apresentação e discussão detalhada das linhas de investigações que compõem o projeto e dos resultados e caminhos entretanto alcançados.
On January 31, the project's website was publicly launched at NOVA FCSH, Campolide, produced jointly by the research team, the Laboratory of Digital Humanities (with special help from researcher Joana Paulino), and also with the incredible technical and graphic support of João Veríssimo and Sara Silva Santos. On this platform we provide an updated portrait of the main initiatives and publications of the project and make available some series resulting from archival and oral collection, as best we can! This moment also served for a detailed presentation of the lines of investigation that make up the project and the results achieved in the meantime.
On January 31, the project's website was publicly launched at NOVA FCSH, Campolide, produced jointly by the research team, the Laboratory of Digital Humanities (with special help from researcher Joana Paulino), and also with the incredible technical and graphic support of João Veríssimo and Sara Silva Santos. On this platform we provide an updated portrait of the main initiatives and publications of the project and make available some series resulting from archival and oral collection, as best we can! This moment also served for a detailed presentation of the lines of investigation that make up the project and the results achieved in the meantime.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020