Registos de uma pobreza extrema | Records of extreme poverty | feb 2023
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Registos de uma pobreza extrema | Records of extreme poverty | feb 2023
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Notícia | News
Marta Silva e Ana Isabel Queiroz iniciaram recentemente uma pesquisa documental no Arquivo Distrital de Viseu. Apesar das dificuldades, mercê do evidente extravio de parte dos arquivos relativos ao período em estudo (1950 em diante), tem sido possível identificar fogos com elevado impacto social para as muito depauperadas populações das aldeias, resistindo no limiar de condições de sobrevivência. Tratam-se de incêndios que destruíram, às vezes na totalidade, as colheitas anuais ou outros produtos indispensáveis à subsistência das famílias rurais. Nestas situações, o Estado Novo respondeu muito insuficientemente, acionando o Fundo de Socorro Social, mecanismo de assistência em que o Governador Civil e as autoridades locais eram mediadores.
Marta Silva and Ana Isabel Queiroz have recently started documentary research in the Viseu District Archives. Despite the difficulties, due to the evident loss of part of the archives relating to the period under study (1950 onwards), it has been possible to identify fires with high social impact on the deprived rural populations, resisting at the threshold of survival conditions. These were fires that destroyed, sometimes totally, the annual crops or other products indispensable to the subsistence of rural families. In these situations, the Estado Novo responded very insufficiently, activating the Fundo de Socorro Social, an assistance mechanism in which the Civil Governor and the local authorities were mediators.
Marta Silva and Ana Isabel Queiroz have recently started documentary research in the Viseu District Archives. Despite the difficulties, due to the evident loss of part of the archives relating to the period under study (1950 onwards), it has been possible to identify fires with high social impact on the deprived rural populations, resisting at the threshold of survival conditions. These were fires that destroyed, sometimes totally, the annual crops or other products indispensable to the subsistence of rural families. In these situations, the Estado Novo responded very insufficiently, activating the Fundo de Socorro Social, an assistance mechanism in which the Civil Governor and the local authorities were mediators.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020