A época de fogo está a começar mais cedo | The fire season is starting earlier | feb 2023
Título | Title
A época de fogo está a começar mais cedo | The fire season is starting earlier | feb 2023
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Notícia | News
A duração da época de incêndios não tem recebido muita atenção na investigação ibérica sobre regimes de fogo, muito embora as últimas décadas sugiram transições em curso. Com base no registo completo de incêndios entre 1980 e 2018, encontrámos um recuo gradual do início da atividade do fogo na primavera, num intervalo estatístico de 23-50 dias, mas nenhum prolongamento significativo para o Outono. A distribuição territorial em Portugal do número de dias com risco meteorológico de incêndio elevado durante o “novo” mês de maio (dados de 2000-2018) é similar à distribuição no “antigo” junho (em referência aos dados de 1980-1999). Deste modo, as projecções existentes sobre o prolongamento da época de incêndios em Portugal ao longo do presente século já foram alcançadas ou até ultrapassadas.
The length of the fire season has not received much attention in Iberian fire regime research, although recent decades do suggest ongoing transitions. Based on the complete fire record between 1980 and 2018, we found a gradual earlier onset of fire activity in spring, within a statistical range of 23-50 days, but no significant extension into autumn. The territorial distribution in Portugal of the number of days with high meteorological fire risk during the “new” month of May (data from 2000-2018) is similar to the distribution in the “old” June (in reference to data from 1980-1999). Thus, the existing projections on the prolongation of the fire season in Portugal throughout the present century have already been reached or even exceeded.
The length of the fire season has not received much attention in Iberian fire regime research, although recent decades do suggest ongoing transitions. Based on the complete fire record between 1980 and 2018, we found a gradual earlier onset of fire activity in spring, within a statistical range of 23-50 days, but no significant extension into autumn. The territorial distribution in Portugal of the number of days with high meteorological fire risk during the “new” month of May (data from 2000-2018) is similar to the distribution in the “old” June (in reference to data from 1980-1999). Thus, the existing projections on the prolongation of the fire season in Portugal throughout the present century have already been reached or even exceeded.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020