Cultivado pelo fogo | Cultivated by fire | feb 2023
Título | Title
Cultivado pelo fogo | Cultivated by fire | feb 2023
Data | Date
Notícia | News
No passado dia 17 de fevereiro, o FIREUSES assistiu à conferência online “Cultivated by fire”, de Kate Cullity. A arquiteta paisagista australiana apresentou os seus projetos de paisagens e de jardins inspirados pela relação ecológica e cultural com o fogo. Pode ser vista na ligaçao abaixo.
On 17 February, FIREUSES attended the online conference “Cultivated by fire” by Kate Cullity. The Australian landscape architect presented her landscape and garden designs inspired by the ecological and cultural relationship with fire. It can be seen in the link below.
On 17 February, FIREUSES attended the online conference “Cultivated by fire” by Kate Cullity. The Australian landscape architect presented her landscape and garden designs inspired by the ecological and cultural relationship with fire. It can be seen in the link below.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020