O «fogo posto» em tribunal | The arson at the court | mar 2023
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O «fogo posto» em tribunal | The arson at the court | mar 2023
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Demos por concluído o levantamento de fontes no arquivo do tribunal de Moimenta da Beira. Até à reforma do mapa judiciário (2014), esta era a comarca que abarcava judicialmente a quase totalidade das freguesias dos concelhos de Moimenta da Beira, Sernancelhe e Vila Nova de Paiva. Entre a consulta exaustiva dos livros de registo de entradas e o trabalho de sapa nas centenas de processos judiciais, Marta Silva resgatou um conjunto importante de dados que servirão para estudar a dimensão criminal dos incêndios, mas também para avaliar a extensão e o impacto local dos mesmos nas serras da Lapa e de Leomil/Nave. Esta pesquisa permitiu avançar para a elaboração de uma cronologia local dos fogos na qual a equipa FIREUSES continua a trabalhar.
We have concluded the survey of sources in the Moimenta da Beira court archive. Until the reform of the Portuguese judicial map (2014), this was the judicial district that covered almost all the parishes in the municipalities of Moimenta da Beira, Sernancelhe and Vila Nova de Paiva. Between the exhaustive consultation of the registry books and the probing work in hundreds of judicial proceedings, Marta Silva recovered an important set of data that will be useful to study the criminal dimension of the fires, but also to assess their extent and local impact in the mountains of Lapa and Leomil/Nave. This research allowed progressing towards the elaboration of a local chronology of the fires on which the FIREUSES team continues to work.
We have concluded the survey of sources in the Moimenta da Beira court archive. Until the reform of the Portuguese judicial map (2014), this was the judicial district that covered almost all the parishes in the municipalities of Moimenta da Beira, Sernancelhe and Vila Nova de Paiva. Between the exhaustive consultation of the registry books and the probing work in hundreds of judicial proceedings, Marta Silva recovered an important set of data that will be useful to study the criminal dimension of the fires, but also to assess their extent and local impact in the mountains of Lapa and Leomil/Nave. This research allowed progressing towards the elaboration of a local chronology of the fires on which the FIREUSES team continues to work.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020