Notas de campo #7: memórias na Serra de Leomil/Nave | Field notes #7: memories in Leomil/Nave mountains | mar 2023
Título | Title
Notas de campo #7: memórias na Serra de Leomil/Nave | Field notes #7: memories in Leomil/Nave mountains | mar 2023
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Notícia | News
Em meados do mês de março duas de nós (Marta Silva e Joana Sousa) arrancaram com a recolha de memórias orais na serra de Leomil/Nave. Durante três dias realizámos cinco entrevistas nas aldeias de Pêra Velha, Carapito, Aldeia de Nacomba e Alvite. Ao longo das entrevistas e das conversas informais com os habitantes locais foram-nos sendo sugeridos aspetos como: a relação do fogo com a pastorícia e a pecuária; os diferentes usos do solo ao longo do tempo; o fogo como arma de resistência. A memória do fogo levou-nos a relatos de conflituosidade, de rivalidades, de solidariedades e de idiossincrasias entre os habitantes da serra. Surgiu ainda a imagem da mulher serrana com um papel decisivo nas tomadas de decisão no seio familiar e comunitário, incluindo em momentos como o combate ao incêndio. Pistas que já estão a ser investigadas.
In mid-March two of us (Marta Silva and Joana Sousa) started collecting oral memories in the mountains of Leomil/Nave. During three days we conducted five interviews in the villages of Pêra Velha, Carapito, Aldeia de Nacomba and Alvite. Throughout the interviews and the informal conversations with local inhabitants, we were suggested aspects such as: the relationship of fire with shepherding and livestock; the different uses of land over time; the fire as a weapon of resistance. The memory of fire led us to accounts of conflict, rivalries, solidarities, and idiosyncrasies among the inhabitants of the mountains. It also emerged the image of the highland woman – with a decisive role in decision-making within the family and the community – including in moments such as fighting the fire. Clues that are already being investigated.
In mid-March two of us (Marta Silva and Joana Sousa) started collecting oral memories in the mountains of Leomil/Nave. During three days we conducted five interviews in the villages of Pêra Velha, Carapito, Aldeia de Nacomba and Alvite. Throughout the interviews and the informal conversations with local inhabitants, we were suggested aspects such as: the relationship of fire with shepherding and livestock; the different uses of land over time; the fire as a weapon of resistance. The memory of fire led us to accounts of conflict, rivalries, solidarities, and idiosyncrasies among the inhabitants of the mountains. It also emerged the image of the highland woman – with a decisive role in decision-making within the family and the community – including in moments such as fighting the fire. Clues that are already being investigated.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020