Comunidade Escolar de Moimenta da Beira: Os “Incêndios” | Moimenta da Beira School Community: The “wildfires” | apr 2023
Título | Title
Comunidade Escolar de Moimenta da Beira: Os “Incêndios” | Moimenta da Beira School Community: The “wildfires” | apr 2023
Data | Date
Notícia | News
Entre 17 e 20 de abril, Joana Jerónimo esteve em Moimenta da Beira a realizar entrevistas com alunos e docentes, bem como sessões de grupo em turmas do 12º ano na Escola Secundária Dr. Joaquim Dias Rebelo. A pesquisa pretende caracterizar a perceção da comunidade escolar sobre prevenção, risco e combate dos incêndios rurais, tema da sua dissertação de mestrado. A atenciosa recepção na escola contou ainda com a participação do Diretor do Agrupamento de Escolas de Moimenta da Beira, o Professor Alcides Sarmento, a quem o projeto FIREUSES está muito agradecido.
Between the 17th and 20th of April, Joana Jerónimo was in Moimenta da Beira conducting interviews with students and teachers, and group sessions in 12th grade classes, at Escola Secundária Dr. Joaquim Dias Rebelo. The aim was to understand the school community's perception of the prevention, risk and fighting of rural fires, the subject of her master’s thesis. The attentive reception at the school was also attended by the Director of the Moimenta da Beira School Group, Professor Alcides Sarmento, to whom the FIREUSES project is very grateful.
Between the 17th and 20th of April, Joana Jerónimo was in Moimenta da Beira conducting interviews with students and teachers, and group sessions in 12th grade classes, at Escola Secundária Dr. Joaquim Dias Rebelo. The aim was to understand the school community's perception of the prevention, risk and fighting of rural fires, the subject of her master’s thesis. The attentive reception at the school was also attended by the Director of the Moimenta da Beira School Group, Professor Alcides Sarmento, to whom the FIREUSES project is very grateful.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020