The Road to Alto: An account of peasants, capitalists, and the soil in the mountains of Southern Portugal
Título | Title
The Road to Alto: An account of peasants, capitalists, and the soil in the mountains of Southern Portugal
Autor |Author
Robin Jenkins
Data | Date
Editora | Editor
Pluto Press
Local de publicação | Place of publication
Londres | London
Número de páginas | Number of pages
Descrição | Description
Livro impresso | Printed book (1979)
Sinopse | Abstract
Robin Jenkins viveu na aldeia do Alto, pequena comunidade agrícola no concelho de Monchique, durante o ano de 1976. As recolhas e experiências desta estadia estão na origem deste livro que viria a publicar, inicialmente em inglês, em 1979. Trata-se de uma etnografia sobre as formas de vida e de exploração da terra num período marcado por grandes transformações políticas, agrárias e ambientais na Serra de Monchique, de onde se destaca a substituição de uma agricultura diversa familiar por povoamentos de eucalipto, que Jenkins vai designar, com certa ironia, como a "revolução do eucalipto".
Robin Jenkins lived in the village of Alto, a small farming community in the municipality of Monchique, during 1976. The collections and experiences of this stay are the origin of this book, which he published, initially in English, in 1979. It is an ethnography of the ways of life and land use during a period marked by major political, agrarian and environmental changes in the Serra de Monchique, including the replacement of diversified family farming with eucalyptus plantations, which Jenkins will refer to, with a certain irony, as the “eucalyptus revolution”.
Robin Jenkins lived in the village of Alto, a small farming community in the municipality of Monchique, during 1976. The collections and experiences of this stay are the origin of this book, which he published, initially in English, in 1979. It is an ethnography of the ways of life and land use during a period marked by major political, agrarian and environmental changes in the Serra de Monchique, including the replacement of diversified family farming with eucalyptus plantations, which Jenkins will refer to, with a certain irony, as the “eucalyptus revolution”.
Localização | Location
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020