Notas de campo #8: exploração pela Serra da Nave | Field notes #8: exploring Serra da Nave | apr 2023
Título | Title
Notas de campo #8: exploração pela Serra da Nave | Field notes #8: exploring Serra da Nave | apr 2023
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Notícia | News
No passado dia 22 de Abril teve lugar uma visita de campo de vários membros da equipa FIREUSES à serra de Nave/Leomil. Começando em Moimenta da Beira e passando por Alvite, durante a manhã uma parte da equipa fez, em jeito de reconhecimento, um breve passeio de carro por algumas povoações da região, familiarizando-se com os espaços da serra. Mais tarde, a equipa reunida acompanhou dois residentes de longa data em Peravelha numa visita guiada a pé pela zona do Penedo da Fonte Santa. A longa conversa girou em torno da memória que aqueles dois senhores tinham dos fogos ocorridos na região, bem como das transformações na paisagem nas últimas décadas, nomeadamente o abandono de culturas como o centeio e o trigo, a progressiva diminuição do gado e da pastorícia, a apropriação dos baldios e a florestação. Algumas características da paisagem sobressaíram durante a visita de campo: as torres eólicas e os pomares de macieiras em flor, espalhados um pouco por toda a serra.
On April 22 several members of the FIREUSES team went on a field visit to the Nave/Leomil mountains. Starting in Moimenta da Beira and with a stop in Alvite, the team did a brief car tour of some of the villages in the region during the morning, acquainting themselves with the spaces of the mountain. In the afternoon, the team accompanied two long-time residents of Peravelha in a guided tour on foot in the Penedo da Fonte Santa area. The long conversation centered on the memory that these residents had of the different fires occurred in the region, as well as on the landscape changes in the last decades, such as the abandonment of crops like rye and wheat, the progressive decline of cattle and pastoralism, the seizure of the commons and afforestation. Some features of the landscape stood out during the site visit: the wind turbines and the apple orchards in bloom, scattered across the mountain.
On April 22 several members of the FIREUSES team went on a field visit to the Nave/Leomil mountains. Starting in Moimenta da Beira and with a stop in Alvite, the team did a brief car tour of some of the villages in the region during the morning, acquainting themselves with the spaces of the mountain. In the afternoon, the team accompanied two long-time residents of Peravelha in a guided tour on foot in the Penedo da Fonte Santa area. The long conversation centered on the memory that these residents had of the different fires occurred in the region, as well as on the landscape changes in the last decades, such as the abandonment of crops like rye and wheat, the progressive decline of cattle and pastoralism, the seizure of the commons and afforestation. Some features of the landscape stood out during the site visit: the wind turbines and the apple orchards in bloom, scattered across the mountain.

Serra da Lapa, 6 de agosto de 2020