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My name is Mircea Sorin ALBUTIU. I am a Romanian photographer and filmmaker. I went to Portugal in January 20 for a project in artist residency. There were programmed 3 photography exhibitions and a film projection. One exhibition was held in the library Arquivo in Leiria. The other were postponed due to the virus crisis. On March 13 started in Portugal the confinement and I decided to stay there rather than driving back home 3100 km through Europe. I decided to do a project in isolation. I was living alone in the house which is the head quarter of the artistic community Serra-Espaço Cultural in Reixida, Leiria, Portugal. The house has 5 rooms and I photographed myself and the interior folowing the light in all rooms. The series is called ISO-400-LATION, I played with the term isolation and the sensitivity of the KODAK trix, ISO 400. I photographed analog with a Leica M3 and Summilux 50 mm. I sent the rolls by mail to a Lisbon laboratory and have received the scanned rolls via Internet.
The confinement ended on May 4th in Portugal.
The following text was written during the confinement :
We are all living now a new situation, unknown until now for the majority. The mass media is invading our minds with scary scenarios and we have to take care of ourselves more that ever before. We all hope that this situation will get to an end very soon, but until then, we are locked inside and this makes us nervous because of the unknown, everything is so uncertain. My photographic approach is in the same paradigm, I’m using an analog camera and the result is uncertain too.
The series is a representation of the “fight” given between me and myself, the one willing to stay protected inside the house and the other willing to go out. How long will it take? Who is going to win? Is the good guy stronger than the naughty one?
We tend to spend too much time on social media and at the end of the day we realise that the whole noise was not worthy. We face the fear and beat it by keeping our attention inside, on our essence. We do take care more than ever on what we think and where our attention runs. We have enough time for introspection, and we can try to find out what is inside us, to question ourselves who we are and what is our purpose in life.
Photography itself is at the end of the day a good method to be in the present and to create.
- Conjuntos de itens
Este item foi submetido em 16 de julho de 2020 por Mircea Sorin ALBUTIU usando o formulário "Conte a sua história" do site "Memória COVID":
Clique aqui para ver a informação recolhida.