Hayley and Hopkins to Lopez, August 20, 1772 (with July 24, 1772)


Holding institution


Aaron Lopez papers (P-11)


Box 14, folder 1


Hayley and Hopkins to Lopez, August 20, 1772 (with July 24, 1772)

Document Type



Date note

Copy attached: 1772-07-24

Creator or Sender

Hayley and Hopkins

Location (creator or sender)



Aaron Lopez

Location (recipient)





Letter on July 24 1772: Information on Minerva's cargo: mahogany and logwood. Hayley and Hopkins doubt that their sale would be profitable since the prices of both goods were low. The Ocean arrived with rum. Captains John Pyner and Davenant were still in confinement at Lisbon and Hayley and Hopkins were forced to give the command of the ship Jacob to Captain Peters. Insurance of the rum shipped in the Prince of Wales. Insurances on the Abigail, Captain Nathan, to Suriname. The Minerva's cargo of mahogany had poor quality and would be sold for a low price. Letter from Mayne & Co, informing that the Ann sailed from Lisbon on the 9th [July] for Rhode Island, and the Eagle on the 12th [July] for Newfoundland. Letter from Captain Wright asking them to make £150 insurance on the rum shipped for Lopez' account in the Betsey.
Letter on August 20: Account sales of the Jacob and the Ocean's cargoes (rum). Rum's price is falling every day. Invoice of the goods shipped on board of the Jacob. The high price of hemp had prevented the shipping of a larger quantity. The Ocean would be unloaded in a day or two and they hope it would not be long unsold. £120 paid to Captain Peters. Davenant was still in confinement and Hayley and Hopkins were under the necessity of settling his accounts. Peyner is also still in prison and they had advanced him nearly his balance. Accounts with Captain Clarke. Hayley and Hopkins tell Lopez that they had done all they were able to get an alteration in the Venus but without success.

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