WSD Talks are periodical meetings whose aim is to present innovative digital projects focused on the preservation and dissemination of Jewish history, memory and heritage, in particular related to the Western Sephardic Diaspora.

Unlocking Diaspora Archives: Western Sephardic Diaspora Roadmap Workshop
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, November 28, 2023

Oficina Omeka: Oficina Omeka S, com Joana Vieira Paulino (Lab_HD, IHC - NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST)
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, November 29, 2023

WSD Talks #8
WSD Talks#8. September 13, 2023
Speaker: David Silvera, Ali Enginsoy and Ton Tielen (A Nação Hebraica)
In this talk, the Nação Hebraica project team introduced us to this portal that makes original source documents, materials and research on the Western Sephardic Diaspora readily available. In particular, they addressed the challenges of using a handwritten text recognition software, Transkribus, to transcribe the earliest Annual Accounts of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews' Congregation in London from 5436 (1676). Watch everything here:

WSD Talks #7
WSD Talks#7. May 2, 2023.
Speaker: Patricia Murrieta-Flores (University of Lancaster)
In this WSD Talk, Patricia Murrieta-Flores introduced the work of the Digital Humanities projects "Digging into Early Colonial Mexico" and "Unlocking the Colonial Archive", showcasing how these approaches can revolutionize historical research. Watch everything here:

WSD Talks #6
January 18, 2023
Speaker: Anna Menny (Institute for the History of German Jews)
The WSD Talk #6 was dedicated to the project Key Documents of German-Jewish History, developed by the Institute for the History of German Jews (Hamburg). Anna Menny shared with us some reflections on the methodologies and objectives of this project which aims to promote and preserve the documentary heritage of Jewish history in Germany.

WSD Talks #5
July 13, 2022, 6 pm (GMT)
Speakers: Eric Fritzler (CJH, Senior Manager for Metadata & Discovery), Sarah Hopley (CJH, Senior Manager for Collection Services) and Lauren Gilbert (CJH, Senior Manager for Public Services)
In this session, we learned how the Center for Jewish History (CJH) in New York is "facilitating Digital Scholarship" through its online resources. You can watch the talk here:

WSD Talks #4
March 23, 2022, 6pm (GMT)
Speaker: Alessio Assonitis (The Medici Archive Project)
The WSD Talks returned in 2022 with Alessio Assonitis, the director of the Medici Archive Project, who introduced this digital humanities project that has contributed to disseminating and making more accessible the archival heritage preserved in the Mediceo del Principato fonds of the Archivio di Stato di Firenze and other collections of the Medici. You can watch the talk here:

WSD Talks #3
December 15, 6pm (GMT)
Speaker: Hervé Baudry (CHAM, NOVA FCSH)
In the last WSD Talk of 2021, Hervé Baudry presented his project TraPrInq (Transcrever os Processos da Inquisição Portuguesa / Transcribing the Portuguese Inquisition's Trials). This project aims to create a text recognition model to read inquisitorial trials by using the Transkribus software. You can watch this Talk here:

WSD Talks #2
October 20, 2021, 6 pm (GMT)
Speaker: Aitor García Moreno (Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo, CSIC / Instituto Universitario Menéndez Pidal, Universidad Complutense de Madrid).
In the second WSD Talk, Aitor Garcia Moreno introduced us the web platform e-sefardic. You can watch the talk “La web la plataforma digital en español de referencia para el conocimiento y estudio de los textos sefardíes” here:

WSD Talks #1
March 22, 2021, 6pm (GMT)
Carla Vieira (Western Sephardic Diaspora Roadmap);
Gabor Kadar (Director of the Yerusha Project of the Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe).
In the first WSD Talk, we had the opportunity to present the Western Sephardic Diaspora Roadmap project and our special guest, Gabor Kadar, introduced to the Yerusha - European Jewish Archives Portal. Yerusha is an online platform ( which unites Jewish archival heritage held in hundreds of archives, libraries and museums across Europe. It is an initiative of the Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe.