1.º Cartório Notarial do Porto
Name of institution (English)
Porto District Archive
Name of institution (official language of the state)
Language of name of institution
Contact information: postal address
Rua das Taipas 90, 4050-598 Porto
Contact information: phone number
00351 220046200
Contact information: web address
Contact information: email
Reference number
Type of reference number
Archival reference number
Title (English)
1st Notarial Office of Porto
Title (official language of the state)
1.º Cartório Notarial do Porto
Language of title
Creator / accumulator
1.º Cartório Notarial do Porto
23.06 linear metres (659 books and 30 bundles)
Type of material
Textual Material
Physical condition
Scope and content
This fonds comprises documentation that resulted from the activity of the 1st Notarial Office of Porto. Besides public deeds, wills, certifications, the fonds also contains trade records since the 16th century, which witness the flourishing commercial trade in Early Modern Porto and the commercial networks in which the city's merchants took part. In the 16th and 17th centuries, New Christian merchants were a significant part of the mercantile elite of Porto operating in the Atlantic trade. Therefore, records of the 1st Cartório Notarial do Porto fonds testify the activity of New Christian traders and businessmen, such as Simão Vaz, Domingos Lopes Vitória or Henrique Gomes da Costa. The businesses of the New Christian mercantile elite of Porto spread over the Atlantic islands, Brazil and North European commercial centres such as Antwerp, Amsterdam, or cities of Southwestern France. Therefore, these notarial records also contain evidence on the economic and social relations between Portuguese New Christians and Portuguese Jews in the diaspora communities. Amândio Barros transcribed most of the records from the 16th century in the second volume of his PhD thesis (2004), which is available online.
Archival history
Initially, the notarial archives were under the custody of the notary himself. After the implantation of the Republic in Portugal in 1910, they began to be transferred to the National Archives. Following the creation of district archives as of 1916, the notarial fonds were gradually relocated to these new institutions. At present, the Portuguese legislation stipulates that notarial records older than 30 years should be relocated to the National Archives or the respective District Archive.
In 1931, the Arquivo Distrital do Porto was founded. The 1.º Cartório Notarial do Porto (formerly, the 2.º Cartório Notarial do Porto, PO-2º) was then incorporated by the notary José Guilherme Pinto Ponce de Leão.
In 1931, the Arquivo Distrital do Porto was founded. The 1.º Cartório Notarial do Porto (formerly, the 2.º Cartório Notarial do Porto, PO-2º) was then incorporated by the notary José Guilherme Pinto Ponce de Leão.
Administrative / Biographical history
The term "notário" (notary) was only established by law in 1899 and replaced the designation "tabelião", the person responsible for recording every public instrument - an office that dated back to the 13th century at least.
The Decree of 23 December 1899 created thirteen notarial offices in the "comarca" (district) of Porto, seven of them in the city. A new division occurred in 1928, with the implementation of fifteen notarial offices in the district (eight in the city of Porto). On 19 December 1949, a new Decree instituted nine offices in the city.
The 1.º Cartório Notarial do Porto was previously the second notarial office of the "comarca", whose fonds had the designation of PO-2º.
The Decree of 23 December 1899 created thirteen notarial offices in the "comarca" (district) of Porto, seven of them in the city. A new division occurred in 1928, with the implementation of fifteen notarial offices in the district (eight in the city of Porto). On 19 December 1949, a new Decree instituted nine offices in the city.
The 1.º Cartório Notarial do Porto was previously the second notarial office of the "comarca", whose fonds had the designation of PO-2º.
Access points: locations
Access points: persons, families
Access points: subject terms
Access points: document types
System of arrangement
Records are arranged chronologically.
Access, restrictions
Access to the fonds is conditioned by state of conservation of the records.
Links to finding aids
Author of the description
Carla Vieira, 2021
Published primary sources
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