Levy & Marache to Lopez. July 10, 1760


Holding institution


Aaron Lopez papers (P-11)


Box 14, folder 17, docs. 21, 22 and 23


Levy & Marache to Lopez. July 10, 1760

Document Type



Creator or Sender

Levy & Marache

Location (creator or sender)

New York, New York


Aaron Lopez

Location (recipient)

Newport, Rhode Island




Levy & Marache have received Lopez's memorandum for sundries but they have not one article except women shoes. Prices of New England rum, flaxseed and tea. They had forwarded for Amsterdam what Lopez had inclosed in his last letter. They had sold 20 of 40 boxes of spermaceti candles sent by Lopez. Prices expected to sell whale oil. Indigo will not answer in New York. Problems with bills of exchange. They applied to Mess. Brown & Son for tickets, which are all sold. They inclose the invoice and bill of lading for sundries shipped on Lopez's account by the Rising Sun, captain Owen Morris. Net proceeds of spermaceti candles will be carried to the credit of Lopez's account with Hayman Levy. Brown sugars will answer for more that is fixed in the price current but common sugars will not answer. Prices of white and muscavado sugars. They inclose the contents and cost of the box of china and, if it suits on Lopez's advise, they will ship it. A parcel of good chocolate from 10-20 d. will do towards the Fall. They suggest Lopez to acquire beaver and dear skin from Hayman Levy.

Existence and location of originals

Newport Historical Society, vol. 6, no. 18

Access points: locations

Access points: persons

Access points: subjects

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