Lopez to Wheeler. September 12, 1769


Holding institution


Aaron Lopez papers (P-11)


Box 2, folder 18, doc. 1


Lopez to Wheeler. September 12, 1769

Document Type



Creator or Sender

Aaron Lopez

Location (creator or sender)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)


Jonathan Wheeler

Location (recipient)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)




Brigantine: Sally. Captain: Jonathan Wheeler. Destination: Quebec. In Quebec, Wheeler should deliver the enclosed letter to Werder & Mercier, and the cargo agreeable to bills of lading. "As the season is farr advanced", Lopez is sure that Werder & Mercier will immediately discharge the brigantine and attend to Wheeler's dispatch, so as he could leave the river before the weather proves to severe. If contrary winds or any accident prevent Wheeler of entering the river, "after you have make all prudent tryall, then and only then, I would desire you to desist going up". Then, instead of returning home with the cargo, Lopez instructs Wheeler to try to dispose the whole or any part of the cargo in the Eastern ports from (?) to Liverpool. If Wheeler is obliged to give up proceedings to Quebec, Lopez recommends him to be careful and not trust Lopez's interest upon any account, but take ready money for that he sell. In case of need of money, he can exchange for good Jamaica codfish, good mackerel and some salmon. In P.S., Lopez adds that if the wind proves contrary when Wheeler passes by Hallifax, he should put in the harbour and enquire the state of that market, and, if there is want of any particular article of the cargo, Wheeler may embrace a good offer, in particular for those effects that are perishable, such as sheep, onions, cheese, whose prices are added at the end: sheep, cheese, flour, New England rum, West Indian rum, Jamaica rum, onions, corn, bread.

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