Lopez to Peters. December 2, 1771


Holding institution


Aaron Lopez papers (P-11)


Box 3, folder 23, doc. 1


Lopez to Peters. December 2, 1771

Document Type



Creator or Sender

Aaron Lopez

Location (creator or sender)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)


John Peters

Location (recipient)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)




Ship: Ocean. Captain: John Peters. Destination: Kingston, Jamaica. In Kingston, Peters should deliver the enclosed packet to Thomas Delbeare, which includes a letter for Benjamin Wright, and Delbeare will forward it to him. Lopez had instructed Delbeare to dispose of the poultry or any other perishable article that may happen to be in demand. Peters may let Delbeare have any sort of goods out of the ship he may require. If Wright happens to be at Kingston when Peters has arrived, he will have the sole disposal of the cargo and furnish Peters any produce of the island suitable for the London market, partly on Lopez's account and partly on freight. As soon as the ship has its loading, Peters should proceed to London, where he will deliver the goods to Hayley & Hopkins. They will have Lopez's instructions about Peters's further destination.

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