Lopez to Hefferman. October 10, 1770


Holding institution


Aaron Lopez papers (P-11)


Box 14, folder 26, doc. 2


Lopez to Hefferman. October 10, 1770

Document Type



Creator or Sender

Aaron Lopez

Location (creator or sender)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)


John Hefferman

Location (recipient)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)




Lopez’s instructions to Captain John Hefferman, who commands the ship Jacob. The ship should proceed directly to Port Antonio, Jamaica, where Hefferman should land the horses he carries on freight and endeavour to dispose of as much cargo as the market will admit. Then, he should proceed to St. Anns, Jamaica, and complete the sales of the cargo. If necessary, he could ship in any other parish on the island. Soon as he arrived at St. Anns, he should deliver Captain Potter’s letters. The ship should proceed to London and takes as much freight as fits this market. He should invest in Jamaica produce, as will best answer the London market. If he could not complete the sales of his cargo, he should deliver the remaining unsold to William Hull at St. Anns. When he arrives in London, he should apply to Hayley & Hopkins and deliver them all Lopez’s effects together with all the freight money. Lopez will instruct Hayley & Hopkins to provide Hefferman with a cargo for the Jacob to be in Newport early in the following fall at farthest. If Hefferman fails of getting a freight at Jamaica, then he should go on with the sales of his cargo till he has completed them. Then, he should invest chiefly in molasses and the remainder in rum and a few hogsheads of sugar and returns Newport as soon as possible. Lopez trusts Hefferman’s “good knowledge of the Jamaica planters think it unnecessary to caution him to avoid making any bad debts and leaving any of my interest behind.” If Captain Potter arrives at Jamaica before Heffermean goes to London, he should deliver the unsold effects to Potter instead of William Hull. Lopez gives Hefferman liberty to ship in the Jacob 2 puncheons rum as a privilege to himself. In P.S., Lopez instructs Hefferman on the correspondence: “When you write me, if by the way of New York, direct to the care of Henry Cruger; if by the way of Philadelphia, to the care of Anthony Hocker; if via Boston to the care of Nathaniel Wheatley”.

Existence and location of originals

Newport Historical Society, vol. 10, no. 44

Access points: locations

Access points: persons

Access points: subjects

Parallel place of distribution (Deprecated)

American Jewish Archives, Aaron Lopez Papers (M-231), box 1, folder 8 (typescript copy)

Item sets