Crommelin & Sons to Lopez. November 14, 1775 [November 9, 1775]


Holding institution


Aaron Lopez papers (P-11)


Box 14, folder 31, doc. 9


Crommelin & Sons to Lopez. November 14, 1775 [November 9, 1775]

Document Type


1775-11-14 [1775-11-09]

Creator or Sender

Daniel Crommelin & Sons

Location (creator or sender)

Amsterdam (Netherlands)


Aaron Lopez

Location (recipient)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)




Crommelin & Sons inform Lopez that the bill on Ejsaye Gillot was protested for non-acceptance. They attach a copy letter from November 9, in which they accuse the receipt of Lopez’s remittance of £30 on Hayley & Hopkins. They had not received any bill or even a letter from “your friends” at Surinam. They made note of Lopez’s order to remit to William Stead of London £200. They acquaint him of the bill they have from John Fontane, William Hatterman and Djerk Solkes – the first two have already been accepted. As soon as Lopez’s “friends” in Surinam recover the bill’s reimbursement, Crommelin & Sons ask Lopez to remit them the same for the account of Benjamin Greene & Co.

Existence and location of originals

Newport Historical Society, vol. 18, no. 19

Access points: locations

Access points: persons

Access points: subjects

Item sets