Lopez Jr to Lopez. January 5, 1779


Holding institution


Aaron Lopez papers (P-11)


Box 14, folder 34, doc. 1


Lopez Jr to Lopez. January 5, 1779

Document Type



Creator or Sender

David Lopez Junior

Location (creator or sender)

Providence, Rhode Island (USA)


Aaron Lopez

Location (recipient)

Leicester, Massachusetts (USA)




David Lopez informs his uncle of the endeavours to contact Mr Reynolds and receive from him the money Lopez had ordered. David has no further knowledge of the two parcels of goods that Lopez alluded to in his previous letter. Captain Hathaway pursuited voyage after arriving from Warwick on December 22. David encloses the schooners’ account and the balance due from Aborn & Arnold. He alludes to his previous letter, in which he informed Aaron of the arrival of Captain Dennis from Surinam, who brought the proceeds that were in the hands of the late Doc. Kisam. As the weather was stormy, the Captain had not been able to reach Providence. The goods that Aaron left for David in Boston had not already come to his hand.

Existence and location of originals

Newport Historical Society, vol. 18, no. 39

Access points: locations

Access points: persons

Item sets