Lopez to Osborne. November 18, 1766


Holding institution


Aaron Lopez papers (P-11)


Box 3, folder 3, doc. 29


Lopez to Osborne. November 18, 1766

Document Type



Creator or Sender

Aaron Lopez

Location (creator or sender)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)


Jeremiah Osborne

Location (recipient)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)




Ship: America. Captain: Jeremiah Osborne. Destination: London. Lopez has a ship called the Pitt, about 200 tons, laying at London in the hands of William Stead, which is to be brought round to Newport if Stead could not procure the price limited by Lopez. Immediately after Osborne's arrival at Bristol, he should forward the enclosed letter to Stead to know if the ship was sold or not. If not, Osborne should proceed to London and put his diligence to get the ship ready, take in a freight either to Boston, Lisbon or another way that he shall judge most convenient for Lopez's interest. To accomplish this, Osborne should apply first to Stead. If he declines, to Trecotheck, Lane & Co., Vaughans, or David Barclay & Sons, "either which you shall judge most suitable to my interest". Lopez gives Osborne liberty to draw on him for any sum necessary to effect the instructions at 90 days sight in sterling money at the common exchange or other ways as necessary. In case he can procure the greater part of the freight to any of the Northern colonies, in order to give it a full freight, Osborne may obtain from the said gentlemen 20 or 25 tons of good hemp and as much coal as he may think proper to complete the loading. In case Osborne cannot obtain freight to any of the Northern colonies, he may try to obtain freight for Lisbon, for which Lopez gave him particular instructions. Since Osborne should be short of cash at his arrival at London, Lopez gives him liberty to retain in his hands 100 pounds out of what rum he shall dispose of for Lopez's account on board ship America.

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America, Jeremiah Osborne, Newport to Bristol, 1766 Sources