Lopez to Newdigate. January 5, 1769


Holding institution


Aaron Lopez papers (P-11)


Box 1, folder 9, doc. 22


Lopez to Newdigate. January 5, 1769

Document Type



Creator or Sender

Aaron Lopez

Location (creator or sender)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)


John Newdigate

Location (recipient)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)




Brigantine: Charlotte. Captain: John Newdigate. Destination: Withywood (Jamaica). In Withywood, Newdigate should dispose of three large pumps and every other article that his mate John Pinner preengaged there in his last voyage. Lopez recommends Newdigate to consider Pinner with one-half of the commissions arising on the businesses that Newdigate will transact in Witywood. Lopez requests him to be very cautious and private in landing and disposing of the goods at that port and to avoid entering the brigantine there. Whatever he sells, it should be for cash. Lopez forbids him to trust any of his interest on that island, "where I have already more outstanding debts than I fear shall ever be able to colect". Then, Newdigate should proceed to Savanna la Mar and deliver the enclosed letter to Benjamin Wright and all effects that Lopez addressed him. If any of the goods that Lopez had consigned to Newdigate prove in good demand at Savanna, he should deliver as many of them to Wright too. Lopez wants Wright to deliver Newdigate a puncheon of rum and one hogshead of sugar for Lopez's account. The proceeds of the articles disposed of at Witywood should be left to Captain Wright and take his receipt. After this, Newdigate should proceed to the Bay [of Honduras]. On his arrival there, Lopez desires him to convert the cargo into good mahogany and logwood. If by the time he completes the brigantine's loading no other Lopez's vessel appears at the Bay with contrary orders, Newdigate should dispatch the Charlotte for Newport under the command of John Pine. Newdigate should retain at the Bay as many of the hands as he can employ in cheap wood towards the arrival of Lopez's other vessel.

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Charlotte, John Newdigate, Newport to Witywood, Savanna la Mar and Honduras, 1769 Sources