Lopez to Newdigate. August 21, 1769


Holding institution


Aaron Lopez papers (P-11)


Box 1, folder 9, doc. 45


Lopez to Newdigate. August 21, 1769

Document Type



Creator or Sender

Aaron Lopez

Location (creator or sender)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)


John Newdigate

Location (recipient)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)




Brigantine: Charlotte. Captain: John Newdigate. Destination: Bristol. In Bristol, Newdigate should deliver the enclosed letter to Henry Cruger Jr and the cargo agreeable to bills of lading. Lopez wants Cruger to dispose of the brigantine and provide any "tolerable offer" made for it. In this case, Newdigate should immediately leave Bristol and make the best of his way for the Bay of Honduras. There he may meet some of Lopez's vessels, by which Lopez shall take care to give him further instructions. If Cruger could not dispose of the brigantine, he probably may procure it a freight for some part of the West Indies. If so, Newdigate should remit Cruger the net proceeds and proceed in the brigantine to the Bay, load it with mahogany and etc. and attend further directions. If there be no freight at Bristol, Newdigate must come to the Bay. "The confidence I place in your favorable attention to my interest renders it unnecessary my recomending frugality in your disbursement against the brig and altho you have never been at Bristol before, I hope you'll suficiently guard against the extravagant demands from the tradesman of Old England."

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Charlotte, John Newdigate, Newport to Bristol, 1769 Sources